Levels of Influencing a Person

231.01Question: Sometimes I simply cannot hear anything during a lesson; it’s like being a log, and sometimes I cling to every word. What is better and what should I aim for?

Answer: A person has two types of integration with the general field of people in the lesson. If he is not at all with them in thoughts and desires, then he is simply taking up space. Practically no currents pass through him at that time; he is not even a receiver.

Not much depends on him anyway, perhaps he is given a certain internal sensory integration of consciousness. Sometimes we perceive everything with an open mind, and sometimes we are half-conscious, half-asleep. It is quite possible that some internal psychological states are interfering with us. And all this affects us.

However, a person depends on one’s connection with the general system of people with whom one studies, to the extent a person was connected with them before, whether one made a covenant with them that even if he is more passive today, they still help him and take care of him. They not only take care of him, but everyone who temporarily drops out o tthe point that they can take over his functions in this general system.

Interaction between people occurs on several levels: on the sensory and on the informational, either at the level of our world or at the next deeper layers. This is how we work.

Baal HaSulam writes that even if a person speaks only Chinese but sits in the lessons, he will still begin to feel something. Of course, it will take time, but that does not matter. Perhaps he will enter into these feelings even more directly because he will begin to reveal the upper world, this system, this interconnection, this chain, within himself.

In my first book on Kabbalah written in 1983, I shared my feeling that our world lies on a grid woven from these forces. Many years have passed since then, but this impression not only has not changed, but has strengthened and revealed itself even more. The impression was correct. We study this grid in Kabbalah.

Comment: But there are students who sleep in the lessons and cannot help themselves.

My Response: It does not matter! Their time has not yet come. For now, they are accumulating internal potential, and then they will break through. I would say that the more complex, the more serious, the organization of a person is, the more severe and longer latent period of lack of awareness and feelings he has, does not matter. Let him continue.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Levels Of Influencing A Person” 10/13/11

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