Maximum Effort

549.02Comment: You have students who constantly sleep in class.

My Response: When I was studying with Rabash, we also had a student who worked very hard at a construction site and he fell asleep all the time in class. He was never late, he came at exactly three o’clock in the morning, sat down, and slept. This continued for seven or eight years until the death of our teacher. And Rabash didn’t say a word to him.

Question: If he was sleeping, then nothing happened to him?

Answer: No, it happened because he made his efforts—he came!

By the way, he was a hard worker by his physical constitution. It was hard for him to work internally, with his head. He did not understand anything either in studies or in spiritual work, but he had a desire, he wanted, and no one had any complaints about him. He was in everything with us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Light Lulls the Body” 10/20/12

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Sleeping During The Lesson Is The Ego’s Defensive Response
Learning How To Work With Egoism
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