Audio Version Of The Blog – 4/18/23

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Passover Is for Everyone

284Comment: Passover is a big celebration of the exodus from Egyptian slavery. It is celebrated by almost the entire country [Israel] and by all the Jews in the world.

This, of course, is also a family holiday; that is, everyone gathers at a festive meal, and everyone is waiting for it.

For those who study Kabbalah, Passover is a person’s understanding that he is enslaved in his egoism and he is fleeing from it.

My Response: He is fleeing from it—he is not exactly fleeing from it because in Egypt there was everything!

Everything you can imagine as communism in this world was there. In principle, they had everything ready for them; they had the best land and everything they could wish for. But ahead of them was a dead desert, a dead sea; everything was dead and full of uncertainty, nothing good. So where is the Egyptian slavery and where are we going? This is the question.

The whole work in Egypt is to picture that all the desert in front of you is paradise. And everything in Egypt (where everything is fine and absolutely everything you want) is hell. Egypt is an egoistic fulfillment, fulfilled by everything you wish.

It relates to each of us. It is our Egypt. Everything is good in it; there is everything here. All the pleasures of this world in all their details and in all their variations are at your disposal.

Nobody wants to get out of it. All is good in general. The only one who feels bad is the one who is not like them, the one who wants to get the people out of there.

Who wants to get the people out? Moses. So, what good did he do? For centuries after that, we only feel bad. There is nothing better than Egypt!

Comment: But it is written that we were slaves in Egypt.

My Response: We were slaves because we were in our egoism, but we got practically everything we could wish for.

Question: So why does a person suddenly want to get out of this fairy tale?

Answer: That is how a person is built.

Question: Why does he suddenly hear Moses? This is instead of listening to the Pharaoh who says: “Stay here, I will provide you with everything, and everything will be fine.” And Moses says: “We will go into the unknown, into the desert. Follow me.” Why did they follow him?

Answer: Apparently, Moses told the Creator that something had to be done with them to make them want to leave. Moses made an agreement with the Pharaoh and with the Creator that there would be Egyptian executions of the Jews, from which they would want to run away. But if it had not been for those executions, they would have run nowhere. And if they had not wanted to run away, then there would have been no executions.

Question: That is, after all, the egg was first? Did they want to escape in some way at first?

Answer: I think it was Moses who made an agreement with the Creator: “Let us arrange it so that they still want to follow me.”

Question: But still you said that Jews suffered from the ten plagues there. Even the Egyptians had a hard time. It is written that the Egyptians suffered the most.

What does it mean, in your understanding that the Egyptians suffered from ten Egyptian plagues?

Answer: It is the egoism of a person who wants to be free. That is, it was unclear to whom and how to be subordinate. But the main thing was to break out of this communism that had everything. There was everything in abundance.

Question: Are the Egyptians this communism that exists within us, this egoism? They want to keep us and ask: “Why are you running away from there? You feel so good there.” Does it turn out this way?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What is the Passover holiday for the world? Jews celebrate it materially and Israel celebrates it. But what is this holiday for the world?

Answer: It is liberation from Egyptian slavery; it is liberation from egoism; it is the liberation of man from himself. I do not want to be controlled by an egoistic property that wants to get hold of everything, to be filled with everything, and thinks only about that. I want an altruistic property to control me so I want to connect with others, to fill others, and not myself. This is the desire that emerges. This is Moses in us.

We become Jews when we hear Moses when Moses is inside us. And if not, then we are the same Egyptians.

Question: Can we say that there are only two kinds of people in the world? Are there two kinds of people in the spiritual world?

Answer: Yes, you are either an Egyptian or an Israelite. There is nothing in the middle.

An Israelite is one who is directed to the Creator, Isra-El, meaning straight to the Creator. And the Egyptian is directed toward  himself.

Question: When you say that this holiday is for the world, does the world have to decide who it is today?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: Today is such a critical moment that we really need to resolve this.

My Response: We do not even realize it yet. The world is unaware of where it is being led, completely unaware!

Question: But can we say that the Egyptian plagues are taking place all over the world now?

Answer: Yes! It is very serious. There is such a wave all over the world.

Question: But maybe the world will come to an understanding that it is necessary to get out?

Answer: It all depends on us, how we show this path to the world—the path of development, the path of unification, what should be ahead, and what to strive for. Will we be able to do it?

Question: Do we have to show it so that it somehow would be pleasant, sweet, and happy for a person?

Answer: Both sweet, pleasant, and necessary! That is, it should not attract someone because it is sweet. No one sees that in Egypt it is sweet as well.

But there the sweetness comes from freedom from egoism. That is, the feeling of slavery in Egypt is opposed to freedom from egoism outside of Egypt. And a person must grow inside oneself to such an extent that this difference between the two states simply pulls one forward.

Question: So must the world today hear that it is necessary to get out of egoism, out of Egypt?

Answer: Yes. We are stuck!

Question: It turns out that we were a little delayed in this Egypt. And what is happening now is pushing us out. Don’t we feel the need to get out of it?

Answer: But we must set a course, we must understand, we must strive, and we must pull everyone along with us.

Question: When you say “we,” who do you mean?

Answer: First, I mean those people who can understand and realize this, who are striving forward, Yashar Kel, Israel. And everyone else will follow.

Question: It is not necessarily the Jews that are directly to the Creator?

Answer: The main mass, the initial mass are Jews, that is, those who experienced in the past, in their roots, the state of exodus from egoism. And the rest will go and join “Israel.” There is absolutely no question about this. The whole point is to raise Jews.

Question: What is your prayer today?

Answer: My prayer today is to fulfill the role of Moses, to pull out this head part of all of humanity, which is called Israel, aspiring to the Creator, and which in potential can aspire to the Creator, to pull it out of such, I would say,  a somnambulistic state, and begin to excite them so that they themselves at least somehow try to want, to worry, and to rise forward to the exit.

Question: Is it in order that at least a thought arises that it is necessary to get out of egoism? But first, you always say that egoism is bad. Or is it not?

Answer: Egoism is bad depending on how you measure, weigh, look at, feel, smell, and taste it. But in fact, egoism is everything that gives you taste and life.

And altruism, freedom, what is it in? You go out into the field, and you do not know what, what for, or why.

Moses is not one person, in principle. It is a whole group of people who understand that the future lies in getting out of egoism. How can we get out of it? This needs to be studied and we should begin to apply it between us. And each time we take each step, it is done again out of the darkness, when we allegedly do not see any attraction in egoism, when we begin to try to get out of it and find that it holds us for all our feelings, for everything! And you cannot get rid of it.

And then we should only stick together and cry out.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/14/22

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The Uniqueness of Kabbalistic Texts

209When reading The Book of Zohar or studying The Study of the Ten Sefirot (Talmud Eser Sefirot, or TES), you feel from both of them that you are dealing with the highest information. They are unique. There is something about them that inspires respect and admiration.

This information does not incline you for servile worship or for fanaticism. On the contrary, it raises you. It does not lower you, it does not crush you, or force you to kneel or tremble.

By raising you up, it makes you a Human with a capital “H”; it reveals the upper world, and does not suppress.

This is the difference between The Book of Zohar and TES and any other religious source. Kabbalistic sources talk about the upper world, but at the same time they raise a person to it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Zohar or TES?” 11/3/12

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The Difficult Maturing of Humanity

272Humanity is finally beginning to realize that it is coming to an end. People are not talking about it in full voice yet, but they are already saying that they do not know what to do. This is already a good result.

Our egoism in no way wants to act the way it should. It wants everything to be the way it wants it to be. Like a small child who closes his eyes and says: “There is no such thing!” It seems to him that if he closes his eyes and sees nothing, it means that it does not exist or nobody sees him.

It turns out that humanity acts in the same way: “There is no such thing!”. When I talked to the Nobel Prize laureates in economics many years ago and told them there was a crisis, they looked at me almost with mockery: “Well, what is wrong with you? What are you talking about?!” Of course, I kept silent. With whom should I argue?

I understand that these are just people. But today they do not say that anymore, it gave them a big whack on the nose.

Nevertheless, even if they already hear, they do not want to accept it internally yet. There are several thresholds that information must pass before a person accepts it, suppresses himself, and begins to take it in.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Conquering Space” 11/11/12

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Rigid Connection to the World

254.03In our spiritual work, we use the materials that Baal HaSulam wrote and build ourselves on what he did.

I know from my own experience that I am allowed to go forward only to the extent that I have to explain Kabbalah to the world, but I cannot go any further. I feel like a dog that runs on a leash beside the owner, the owner constantly holds the leash and doesn’t let the dog get ahead too much.

I would rush forward with desire and strength that I cannot even describe, but I feel that I am tied to the world. Bound! As far as the world can advance, I am permitted to go ahead of it by a few degrees and that is it. These are high, spiritual degrees, but no more! I feel a rigid attachment to the world, I cannot be free. This shows, of course, my place, my duty, and my work.

There is a huge difference in how much the world has begun to move forward in jerks now, and how much it gives me the opportunity to speak. I have to keep a lot inside myself because I cannot express myself, it is like I am mute. Then the world takes a step forward and words, images, and symbols appear. I can express it right away! Some kind of external expression appears that was not there before. This is how it follows the path that the world goes through.

He is far away, somewhere out there, sorting out his problems: the same terrorists, on the one hand, economic crises and natural disasters, on the other hand. But all this gives some kind of impetus, and I have the opportunity to express a lot of connections, laws, and root causes, to link them, and to give out a new layer that can be explained. And so, in layers, I feel that I am moving forward. But these layers depend only on how the world is going.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Most Significant Kabbalist of All Time” 11/17/12

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Gain Is in Harmony

275Question: There are people who can adapt to any situation, and there are those who would start suffering from internal turmoil if you take away their iPhone. Why are there such different classifications of egoism? Which is better?

Answer: It is difficult to say which is better because humanity is arranged in such a way that everything complements each other, like in any electronic, mechanical, human, or social schemes.

There are fools and smart people and strong and weak people. Usually, people who are physically strong are not very developed mentally and vice versa. That is, everything complements each other, and perfection is achieved through this. Therefore, it cannot be said that one wins and the other loses. The Japanese are small and slight, but look at the technology they develop. The Chinese are like that too.

Each nation has its own physical, mental, moral, and psychological characteristics, and things are moving toward ensuring that everyone complements the other. Nobody will have an advantage.

No matter how people are, for example, if they are great at doing something, they still will not be able to flaunt it and win something from others. It is the harmony that gives us winning. Without proper, mutual, and standard interaction, everyone will lose: the smart ones, the stupid ones, the strong ones, and the weak ones—everyone.

All the same, before us looms the plan of nature, its indispensable condition to bring everything to harmony, to unity. And the human level, man must fulfill this condition consciously, against his egoistic nature.

If he understands this, that is, if he looks at the world around him and sees himself below all of nature and not outside of it or above it, and he understands that everything in order to achieve homeostasis will act in this direction, he will be fine.

Otherwise, the strongest, the smartest, and the very very best will look foolish, weak, unreasonable, and flawed, and will eventually die. That is all.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Hurricane Sandy is Just the Beginning” 11/3/12

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Gradual Maturation

938.04Question: If a person watches our lessons online and suddenly decides to try working in a group, how harmful can this be for him or for the group?

Answer: If he has the right desire, he can gradually blend into the group. We are talking about people who for many years either study or don’t. We don’t put much pressure on them. But a person must understand that he can “roast” for many years, like meat in a brazier.

If we put the meat on a small fire, then it will not fry, but will remain warm and raw until it spoils. Therefore, for frying, we must set it to a certain temperature, for a certain time, it must go through some kind of change that will transform it to another state. Otherwise, you leave it in its former state, and add extra energy that is completely unnecessary to it.

The same thing happens with a person who comes to a group and starts exercising once a week. He seems to be getting smarter, he seems to understand and philosophize more: here, they say, I’m already such and such, and besides, I’m a Kabbalist.

Comment: Suppose a person comes across Kabbalah for the first time and immediately wants to enter this system.

My Response: We have special courses for this. Along with that, he can watch our lessons. We do not close ourselves off from anyone or anything, but we are against immediate entry into the group. It is necessary that a person still go through the steps of development.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Enter a Kabbalistic Group?” 12/1/12

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 4/18/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — On the Verge of Lishma

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah, Item 17”

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3rd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Love of God and the Love of Man”

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Selected Highlights

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