Gain Is in Harmony

275Question: There are people who can adapt to any situation, and there are those who would start suffering from internal turmoil if you take away their iPhone. Why are there such different classifications of egoism? Which is better?

Answer: It is difficult to say which is better because humanity is arranged in such a way that everything complements each other, like in any electronic, mechanical, human, or social schemes.

There are fools and smart people and strong and weak people. Usually, people who are physically strong are not very developed mentally and vice versa. That is, everything complements each other, and perfection is achieved through this. Therefore, it cannot be said that one wins and the other loses. The Japanese are small and slight, but look at the technology they develop. The Chinese are like that too.

Each nation has its own physical, mental, moral, and psychological characteristics, and things are moving toward ensuring that everyone complements the other. Nobody will have an advantage.

No matter how people are, for example, if they are great at doing something, they still will not be able to flaunt it and win something from others. It is the harmony that gives us winning. Without proper, mutual, and standard interaction, everyone will lose: the smart ones, the stupid ones, the strong ones, and the weak ones—everyone.

All the same, before us looms the plan of nature, its indispensable condition to bring everything to harmony, to unity. And the human level, man must fulfill this condition consciously, against his egoistic nature.

If he understands this, that is, if he looks at the world around him and sees himself below all of nature and not outside of it or above it, and he understands that everything in order to achieve homeostasis will act in this direction, he will be fine.

Otherwise, the strongest, the smartest, and the very very best will look foolish, weak, unreasonable, and flawed, and will eventually die. That is all.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Hurricane Sandy is Just the Beginning” 11/3/12

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