Gradual Maturation

938.04Question: If a person watches our lessons online and suddenly decides to try working in a group, how harmful can this be for him or for the group?

Answer: If he has the right desire, he can gradually blend into the group. We are talking about people who for many years either study or don’t. We don’t put much pressure on them. But a person must understand that he can “roast” for many years, like meat in a brazier.

If we put the meat on a small fire, then it will not fry, but will remain warm and raw until it spoils. Therefore, for frying, we must set it to a certain temperature, for a certain time, it must go through some kind of change that will transform it to another state. Otherwise, you leave it in its former state, and add extra energy that is completely unnecessary to it.

The same thing happens with a person who comes to a group and starts exercising once a week. He seems to be getting smarter, he seems to understand and philosophize more: here, they say, I’m already such and such, and besides, I’m a Kabbalist.

Comment: Suppose a person comes across Kabbalah for the first time and immediately wants to enter this system.

My Response: We have special courses for this. Along with that, he can watch our lessons. We do not close ourselves off from anyone or anything, but we are against immediate entry into the group. It is necessary that a person still go through the steps of development.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Enter a Kabbalistic Group?” 12/1/12

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