Get Closer to the Upper Purpose

214Question: Is it possible to reveal the Creator in the desire to reach perfection?

Answer: No, we cannot aspire to see that perfection already exists. We must ourselves reveal what is lacking in us to reach it. Then we need to ask the Creator to correct this imperfection so that it is added to perfection. That is when we will see the final correction (Gmar Tikun).

Question: To reach final correction, we need to bring the whole world to the Creator and raise a request for correction of the entire creation. We see that the whole world is constantly pulling us back. How do we correctly engage in prayer?

Answer: First of all, we need to understand that the correction of the world depends on us. Therefore, the fact that the whole world is against us is the case when we are responsible for the entire world.

Question: What is your opinion about how we are progressing toward the exalted purpose?

Answer: I believe that we are approaching it and will be able to achieve it, perhaps even this year, from this Purim to the next Purim. It is quite possible the upper Kli and upper fulfillment, that is, the upper world, will at least begin to open up for us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Haman Pockets”

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