Are We Eagles or Chickens?

707Question: Once a man found an eagle’s egg and placed it with some chickens. The eaglet grew up together with the chicks. Like them it clucked and scratched the ground, searched for worms, flapped its wings, and tried to fly. And one day, the grown eagle saw a proud bird in the sky. The bird was soaring, flapping its large wings.

Enchanted, the eagle asked, “Who is that?” “That’s an eagle, the king of all birds,” a fellow bird replied. “It belongs to the sky. But we chickens belong to the earth.” So, the eagle lived like a chicken and died like a chicken because it believed in its chicken origin.

Please tell me, who are we, humans? Are we eaglets tossed among chickens, or are we truly chickens who cannot fly?

Answer: In principle, we are indeed eagles. Not just eaglets, but eagles. However, we cannot play this role, even though we are clucked at from all sides.

Question: So are we eagles placed among chickens after all? Or do you believe that all of humanity can be eagles?

Answer: For now, it is still just chickens.

Question: What does whether I’m a chicken or an eagle depend on?

Answer: It depends on self-awareness.

Question: So, I must realize that I am an eagle. Who should tell me this or whisper it to me?

Answer: The higher purpose. You must feel it within yourself and understand that otherwise, it is not life.

Comment: So life is not being a chicken, but being an eagle.

My Response: For you, yes.

Question: What does it mean that I am an eagle?

Answer: To be an eagle means to strive for order in the world because otherwise it would not be life, but just a mere chicken coop.

Therefore, we have no other choice. We, generation after generation of failures, must, no matter how inferior, insignificant, small, or tangled we feel, still lift ourselves up and try to soar.

Question: So, basically, someday, one way or another, it will show that I am an eagle?

Answer: Yes, then it will show.

Question: Here it says that a man took an eagle’s egg and placed it with chickens. Similarly, the Creator took and placed us on this earth, as if saying you cannot fly, you can only walk on the earth. And you say we can still fly. Did the Creator instill in us that we can fly? Is it placed from above?

Answer: Yes, this feeling arises in us. And this question arises within us. And most importantly, all people on earth drive us toward this. Although, of course, they don’t encourage us explicitly to take such a place, such a role, but overall, it is so.

Question: So, we have this eagle’s point within us?

Answer: Yes. Look, although, throughout history, we were suppressed, burned, and whatnot, still, in the end, in each generation there are individuals, albeit few, who rise and move forward.

Question: Does the choice of environment depend on me or not?

Answer: It depends on you.

Question: So I choose the environment?

Answer: Yes. Having received spiritual inheritance, written sources from our great teachers, we can clearly and loudly say to everyone that we have it in our hands, and we must realize it.

Question: And can we fly?

Answer: Yes.

Question: At the level of the mundane, sometimes we hear one is told, “Sit and don’t make noise, you’re a chicken.” And another would be told, “You’re the king of the jungle, you’re an eagle, the king of birds.” When someone is put down in this way and someone is uplifted, what does it say?

Answer: It says that each person must choose for himself what destiny he chooses.

Comment: And the fact that they say so is…

My Response: And who’s saying it? “Who are the judges?”

Question: So in any case, it’s the individual’s decision?

Answer: Only!

Question: Despite being oppressed and so on, you must still make this decision?

Answer: It does not matter, yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/12/24

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