Is it Better to Know How You Will Live or How You Will Die?

198Question: A computer program has been launched in Denmark that quite accurately calculates the approximate year of a person’s death. There is no mysticism here, the creators of artificial intelligence say. It processes a huge amount of database data on each of the six million inhabitants of the country.

The life story of any person is a chain of events that happen to him, which includes education, chronic diseases, and genetics. And it is calculates it all out, calculates, and calculates. This machine is trusted because it has made pretty accurate predictions.

Do you think we need all these calculations, these machines? They will show with some accuracy when a person will die.

Answer: But before that, I probably also want to know something about myself: when I will become rich and healthy? When will I get married for the third, fourth, or fifth time? And so on.

Comment: That is, how I will live, not when will I die.

My Response: When I will die, everyone can say that.

Question: But it calculates for you when, by what date you need to prepare everything, hand over all your work, and so on. Do we need this?

Answer: I do not need it.

Question: You do not need it. And people do not seem to really need it either?

Answer: I do not know. There are people who care very much about leaving everything in order for after their death, putting all their affairs in order, and so on.

Question: The creation of such machines does not mean that we are as if putting our hands into the plans of the Creator?

Answer: No, a person just wants to end his life in a normal way without entering into any conflicts with anyone, and that is why he wants to know the day of his death.

Question: That is, he wants to prepare all the papers?

Answer: Yes, many people are doing this.

Comment: You once told me that when you came to Canada to bury your father and wanted to support your mother at that hour, you saw that your mother was more or less calm. Then you asked her: “What is the matter?” And she told you that she met a man who accurately told her the day of your father’s death.

Answer: Yes.

Question: She also asked you to call this person, and you talked to him. When a person is given such abilities as this psychic to predict the day of death, does this obligate him to something? Does it mean something, or is it just some kind of animalistic ability?

Answer: I did not see anything special in him; although, in principle, not everyone can predict such dates either.

Question: Did he predict exactly?

Answer: Yes, and when I called him, he said, “Oh, it is the son of so-and-so calling me.” Just by my voice alone.

Question: So you did not introduce yourself?

Answer: I did not introduce myself, not at all. And he immediately told me who and what, and how, when, and that I can come to him.

Question: When and why are such abilities given to a person?

Answer: He himself does not know. He does not know, and others do not know.

Question: So, basically, this artificial intelligence, there is nothing special about it either except for all these earthly things of ours?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Now about the Creator, who knows the root of the human soul and what guides it from the beginning to the end. Isn’t He supposed to guide a person from something to something?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Question: From what to what does the Creator guide a person?

Answer: From a small selfish desire to a larger, corrected one, maybe not final. Well, on and on and on.

Question: So one way or another, a person’s path is a feeling that I am an egoist and toward correction. Is this the whole human journey?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And it is not given to us to know the day of the death of egoism, shall we say?

Answer: No.

Question: We cannot create such a machine or meet such a psychic: when can I end this path with the death of my egoism?

Answer: No. You have to yearn until the last minute of your life for this egoism to disappear from you.

Question: And I would be corrected. And what do I gain then?

Answer: Then you will feel the Creator with all your heart and with all your feelings one to one.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/15/24

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