Book Number One

526Question: You wrote your book Attaining The Worlds Beyond 30 years ago if not more.

This book is also published in audio format. This means it will be even more accessible. This is the most accessible format today—people do not read. They prefer to listen in the subway or the car.

This book became book number one for many. Thanks to this book, many people came to Kabbalah and thought about the meaning of life.

Please tell me what you put into this book. What is the secret?

Answer: It seems to me that I simply tried to express my impressions of my encounter with Kabbalah there. Maybe it is because this book is so direct that people respond to it so much.

Comment: You also said that you wrote it in just about two weeks.

My Response: Correct.

Question: At what point does it happen that a person delivers it in such a way?

Answer: When it accumulates and pressures him from within, then that person just pours it all on paper.

Question: Did you feel like you were obligated to pour it out?

Answer: Yes; otherwise, it would weigh on me. It is like giving birth.

Question: Does this book sound like a child?

Answer: Yes.

Question: The audio version of this book is coming out now. People will listen. How is listening different from reading? What works more or less here?

Answer: Reading is still more intimate, and listening to someone is no substitute for reading.

Comment: Recently humanity has been listening to audiobooks more and more. But you still encourage reading in the old-fashioned way.

My Response: I am for reading. It is very intimate. I would not replace one with the other.

Comment: But you can combine it somehow. Listen while driving when there is no opportunity to read. And then come home and read it.

My Response: If I listen to something like that internally, I cannot drive a car and listen. I am in it with all my senses.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/25/24

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