The Priority of Internal Work

934Question: How do we come to the timely understanding of the wickedness of the evil inclination both in actions and intentions in order to ask the Creator for correction and to be worthy of His love?

Answer: Regarding this, you should agree within your ten to constantly think that you are in exile from the desire to bestow and you need to exit the desire to receive, which is called Egypt. Then you will see and receive everything there is, except exile.

Question: What should be done to show the Creator our desire to build a connection with Him and be rewarded with true love for Him?

Answer: To do this, first of all, it is necessary to unite with your friends in the ten. And then turn to the Creator and ask Him to raise you from this state to Him.

Question: Does it need to be done more internally or externally, at meetings and common events?

Answer: The most important is internally, but externally is also necessary.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/17/24, Writings of Rabash “Faith Within Reason”

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