The Shortest Path to the Correction of the Soul

209We should read the articles of Rabash slowly and thoughtfully because they contain all the actions that we need to perform in our inner work, all the sensations that we need to experience, and all the aspirations that need to be directed toward our connection.

I remember how Rabash read those articles to me when we traveled together to Tiberius. He ran his finger along the lines reading word by word. Even though our thoughts tend to run ahead and resist such a slow pace, we must train ourselves to concentrate on each word and try to absorb it.

Rabash attached great importance to every word written in these articles. If I missed a word in the text, he immediately noticed it. After the text was written, it became sacred to him and no changes were allowed in it.

When we now read the articles of Rabash together, one by one, they must enter into all our sensations, into every soul, into every person, and create such an internal order in them that during this life and many reincarnations they would not want to rebuild it in a new way.

Gradually, these articles will begin to materialize in us more and more, and we will understand them better and perceive them more and more sensually. They are the ones that will lead us to correction.

Rabash wrote these articles from his inner feeling and wanted them to awaken our souls exactly in accordance with his stencil. Of course, there are many paths leading to the Creator. But if a person tries to enter spirituality without this internal reformatting with the help of the articles of Rabash, then it will be a much more difficult and long path.

The path that Rabash paved for us is the shortest way that leads a person to the demand to correct his soul.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/22/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)

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