Questions about Spiritual Work—111

281.02Question: How are the small daily exits from exile connected to one big exit into spiritual space?

Answer: After many small exiles, if you succeed in overcoming them, long exiles come. You need to overcome them as well. Eventually, you will quickly come to a state of high ascent, which will give you a feeling of the spiritual world.

Question: What determines one person’s sensitivity to another? How can we help each other awaken this sensitivity?

Answer: Sensitivity surfaces in how important each person is to others. The feeling of importance lies in the fact that you cannot reach the purpose of creation without others. No matter how much effort you put in, you will not reach spirituality.

Question: We have already realized that we are in slavery in Egypt and are trying to break free. Where are we now?

Answer: Each of you must answer this question for yourselves.

Question: When a friend leaves the life of the ten and at the same time does not exit the chat, but also does not return, does this indicate that we are not praying enough for him, or is it the Creator’s plan?

Answer: It does not matter. You must continue your work, unite, ask the Creator, and ascend to Him so the friend feels his place among you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/7/24, Writings of Rabash “The Meaning of Exile”

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