“Egyptians” and “Israel” in Spiritual Work

610.2Question: We always feel like there is a struggle within us between the Egyptians and Israel. The “Egyptian” point within us is very active and wants to receive light for itself; the “Israel” point is passive and lacks a strong desire to break free from this.

Does Israel receive any part of this energy from the Egyptians as an impulse, or is it given to them only by the Creator?

Answer: Why does Israel seem passive compared to others? Because all the others work from egoistic desire, but it is their desire. Israel does not work from its own desire; therefore, they are so small and weak compared to other nations. Each nation stands on its own and has its roots and its convictions, but Israel has neither.

Only its future destiny gives it the strength to break free from where it is. But, fundamentally, Israel has no strength of its own, nothing to hope for in this world, and nothing to be sure of. Before other nations, it is weak and cannot show that this is its world, its land, like it is tethered to heaven by a thread.

Question: Where does this thread come from? How do we not lose and keep it before us all the time?

Answer: The thread by which the people of Israel are tied to heaven is very strong and is held by the Creator. It is based solely on the desire to bestow and love and leads directly to the Creator.

But in the eyes of our world, it is nothing. Therefore, the nations of the world think about how to destroy Israel. After all, what does it have in this world? Nothing. In every generation, someone among the ill-wishers wakes up and calls for the eradication of the people of Israel from the world. That is how they act.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/5/24, Writings of Rabash “Love of Friends – 1”

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The Exodus From Egypt, Then And Now
Getting Out of Your “Egypt”
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