Audio Version Of The Blog – 2/10/24

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Until the Complete Dilution of “Me”

947Question: What does it mean that I have to annul myself before my friend and my friend becomes a zero before me, and everyone does the same? Is it something that I see or are they doing it in reality?

Answer: Everyone tries to annul himself with regard to others: you annul before friends, and the friends annul before you, and everyone becomes annulled before everyone until the complete dilution of “me” in the space between you.

In order to see the annulment of friends, you have to annul yourself. In order to see that they are uniting between them, you have to connect with them. Only in the degree of these two states will you be able to see them correctly and will they see you correctly. Thus you will unite.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/25/24, ”Preparation to “Life in the Ten” Convention”

Related Material:
Creative Annulment Before The Friends
How Can We Reach Self-Annulment?
Annul Yourself Only Before The Friends Along The Spiritual Path

The Stronger the Connection, the Brighter Egoism Is

232.05Question: Do I understand correctly that the more we connect, the brighter egoism is? Or is egoism annulled by true connection?

Answer: Egoism is annulled only at the end of the path, and now we need it in order for us to ascend.

What will we rise above if we do not have egoism? We rise above it step-by-step all the time: higher, higher, and higher. And it is gradually growing. It turns out that the bigger a person is, the greater is his egoism. Otherwise, we will not grow spiritually.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/30/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Does It Mean that the Sitra Achra Is Called ‘Malchut without a Crown’?”

Related Material:
The Difference Between Spiritual And Corporeal Egoism
Get Down To Pure Egoism
A Healthy Growth Of The Ego

Don’t Let Desire Weaken

534Question: At the beginning of the journey, the desire was strong and pronounced, but over time it seemed to decrease and fade away. What is the problem?

Answer: The problem is that you do not feel the support of your friends, and therefore, your desire remains alone and weakens.

Question: What practical advice can you give to strengthen the consistency of the desire to see the greatness and perfection of the Creator?

Answer: Pray, ask that you have only this aspiration.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Thought Is a Result of the Desires”

Related Material:
Don’t Let Your Spark Be Extinguished
Corporeal Reality Is The Creator’s Greatest Benevolence
All Desires Come From The Creator

How Can We Protect Ourselves from Harmful Desires?

559Question: How can we work correctly with the desires that distract us from spirituality when even the force of overcoming and coming closer to the group does not help?

Answer: Pray to the Creator so that He will give you the ability to protect yourself from this desire that you consider harmful.

All our desires are from the Creator. Everything that is in us is from the Creator.

So let us find out from Him what is good and what is not good and what we need and what we do not need.

If some thought not directed at the purpose of creation distracts you, leave it, do not try to correct it somehow, and try to distract yourself from it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Thought Is a Result of the Desires”

Related Material:
Sorting Life’s Values
Working With Our Desires Independently
Managing Desires