Until the Complete Dilution of “Me”

947Question: What does it mean that I have to annul myself before my friend and my friend becomes a zero before me, and everyone does the same? Is it something that I see or are they doing it in reality?

Answer: Everyone tries to annul himself with regard to others: you annul before friends, and the friends annul before you, and everyone becomes annulled before everyone until the complete dilution of “me” in the space between you.

In order to see the annulment of friends, you have to annul yourself. In order to see that they are uniting between them, you have to connect with them. Only in the degree of these two states will you be able to see them correctly and will they see you correctly. Thus you will unite.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/25/24, ”Preparation to “Life in the Ten” Convention”

Related Material:
Creative Annulment Before The Friends
How Can We Reach Self-Annulment?
Annul Yourself Only Before The Friends Along The Spiritual Path

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