Do What Is Required

259.02During the preparation period, all the work is in the no’s, that is, in the “no” (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 204, “The Purpose of the Work – 2”)

Question: What desires are we not allowed to use?

Answer: Check it out for yourself, see, and try to limit yourself from all sides so that you build your personal connection space with your friends.

In the articles there is a general direction, and then everyone, based on one’s feelings, decides how to get around some obstacles to push away the state of receiving for one’s own sake.

Question: If a person does not have the Kelim of bestowal, can he do the work of restriction?

Answer: Maybe. In any state a person can do what he needs to, give, and connect with his friends.

Comment: But his original nature is always strong and, in essence, does not change. A person invests in and still remains in reception.

My Response: This means that he has not yet done any good deeds.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/11/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Purpose of the Work – 2”

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