Plagues For Collective Egoism

963.5Question: What is happening in the world now, wars, earthquakes, natural disasters, are these the plagues that our collective egoism must experience before the common exit from Egypt?

Answer: Yes and no. Imagine that, to put it mildly, these troubles that we have received over all the past centuries are necessary to correct our egoism.

Therefore, the Creator delayed the tribe of Israelites and did not allow them to immediately approach complete correction; this is because they did not yet have a complete Kli, i.e. regret and atonement.

Now it seems that we already have this. I think that if today our people rose up as in those days, we would certainly reach the place of the holy Temple and quickly erect it.

Question: What prevents us from rising? Lack of unity?

Answer: We lack everything. Absolutely everything. The most important thing is the connections between us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/21/24, Writings of Rabash “When Pharaoh Sent the People”

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