Audio Version Of The Blog – 2/17/24

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Conditions for Ascent

276.02Question: You said we must agree to the conditions for ascending to the first degree. What are these conditions?

Answer: The conditions for ascending to any degree are that a person is ready to do anything to merge with the Creator.

At the same time, one must thank the Creator for paying attention to him or her, for giving him such conditions, and for being ready to be lifted because all acts we perform stem from the Creator.

Question: What if a person is in a neutral state or does not feel gratitude in his heart? Can one rise to this gratitude?

Answer: Of course he can. After all, he is with his friends and can receive their assessment of the situation, their importance of the goal, and their importance of the state. Therefore, it all depends on how connected he is with them. If he is among friends, he can constantly feed on their achievements and thus ascend.

Question: How can I convey gratitude to my friends in order to give them power?

Answer: By example and the willingness to help them with whatever they ask for.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/5/24, Writings of Rabash “What Is ‘Do Not Slight the Blessing of a Layperson’ in the Work?”

Related Material:
Ascending Toward The Creator Along The Degrees Of Desire
The Mechanics Of Ascension
The System Of Bestowal

Lower Your Head

283.02Question: When you work hard and receive praise, egoism clings to it. How can you lower your head and work in such a state?

Answer: When you hear praise, keep quiet and do not interrupt those who sing your praises and say only good about you. Let them talk.

Later, you must display a measure of modesty, lower yourself, continue your spiritual work, and annul yourself before the ten.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/3/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Honor”

Related Material:
We Should Praise Everyone
Praise The Group
The Group As A Spiritual Entity

Strengthen Peace

746.02Elokim [God] is the upper Elokim, Bina, and he is called Elokim, in regard to MI [who] created ELEH [these]. And as MI connected to ELEH, the name always connects, and by that, the world exists (Rashbi, Zohar for All, “Heaven and Earth”).

ELEH and MI are two words that make up the name of the whole creation, Elokim. ELEH is its lower part (the property of receiving, Malchut), and the highest is MI (the property of giving, Bina). That is, these are two parts of the ten , which govern the entire universe.

The Creator created the entire universe, which is constantly moving toward manifesting itself as one unified system.

It says when these two parts come together, peace strengthens. It means that peace strengthens when there are no contradictions between MI and ELEH and ELEH and MI since both parts take care to complement each other.

By the way, Elokim and Teva (nature) have the same numerical value. The upper force, Elokim, also consists of two parts, ELEH and MI, which join together and fill the whole of nature.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 1/21/24

Related Material:
Elokim Is Nature In Gematria
A Guide To Desires
The Upper Sphere Of Nature

Questions about Spiritual Work—76

258Question: You said we constantly need to check whether we are getting closer to the Creator or not. Is there even a test of desire? How can we come to a state for the sake of heaven?

Answer: When we reach the revelation of the Creator, we will see by the magnitude of the revelation whether we are approaching Him or moving away. No one has such feelings yet.

Question: Is it necessary to go straight to the ten when you are in a descent or do you need to try to cope with the descents yourself and turn to the ten if you cannot do it alone?

Answer: The fastest way to establish a connection with the Creator is through the ten.

Question: How does my escape from holiness affect the spiritual advancement of the whole group? Am I harming the group with this?

Answer: Of course you are harming the group. But if you improve, then the whole group will rise with you.

Question: What can this mean if the states of separation become frequent and intense sensations?

Answer: You are getting closer.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/1/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is ‘Hurry, My Beloved,’ in the Work?”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—75
Questions about Spiritual Work—74
Questions about Spiritual Work—73