Questions about Spiritual Work—76

258Question: You said we constantly need to check whether we are getting closer to the Creator or not. Is there even a test of desire? How can we come to a state for the sake of heaven?

Answer: When we reach the revelation of the Creator, we will see by the magnitude of the revelation whether we are approaching Him or moving away. No one has such feelings yet.

Question: Is it necessary to go straight to the ten when you are in a descent or do you need to try to cope with the descents yourself and turn to the ten if you cannot do it alone?

Answer: The fastest way to establish a connection with the Creator is through the ten.

Question: How does my escape from holiness affect the spiritual advancement of the whole group? Am I harming the group with this?

Answer: Of course you are harming the group. But if you improve, then the whole group will rise with you.

Question: What can this mean if the states of separation become frequent and intense sensations?

Answer: You are getting closer.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/1/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is ‘Hurry, My Beloved,’ in the Work?”

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