The Order of the Assembly of Friends according to Rabash

942Question: Should a meeting of friends be held once a week?

Answer: Yes, that is what Rabash established.

Question: And why did he write about the importance of raising the greatness of friends at such meetings, about the importance of prayer, but he did not write anything about reading primary sources?

Answer: The reading of primary sources takes place in the morning, afternoon, and evening lessons. And a meeting of friends is held once a week. It is what directs us to take stock of what we have achieved, what we are going to achieve, and what our plans are.

Thus, a group that wants to advance spiritually sets the time of the friends’ assembly (Yeshivat Haverim) in advance at which they raise the importance of both the meeting itself and the friends.

Then everyone checks how much they have invested in it, sees that they no longer have the strength, and turns to the Creator with a prayer. Then he imagines that the Creator gave him an answer, gave him strength and upon leaving the meeting, feels himself to be perfect. This is the order of the assembly of friends in Rabash.

Comment: Thanks a lot for the practical advice! It remains only to implement them.

My Response: Good luck in the implementation!
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 4/4/24

Related Material:
Invitation To An Assembly Above Time And Place
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What To Look For In The Assembly Of Friends

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