Questions about Spiritual Work—116

13.03Question: Who teaches us to work not for the sake of reception? Is this a quality of the Creator? Or is it a quality of the group or teacher?

Answer: The soul. It is said, “Man’s soul will teach him.” By going through all the states, a person gradually learns how he should relate and to what.

Question: To manifest goodness, a person needs to spend a lot of energy. Where can I get this energy to correct the evil inclination?

Answer: Also in the goodness. There is no other source of energy except the Creator.

Question: How do we get to a state that we cannot accept, in which we cannot stay, and from which we can already rise?

Answer: These are three different states. If you have the strength, if you have reached this point and can scrutinize it, figure it out and succeed.

Question: How does a Kabbalist relate to the pleasures of the material world?

Answer: He does not feel like he is making them. Therefore when he receives them, he has no real fulfillment. He is above that.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/15/24, Writings of Rabash “The Torah Spoke Regarding Four Sons”

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