Bestowing to a Friend Means Bestowing to the Creator

600.01Question: What does it mean to “buy a friend“?

Answer: Buying a friend means doing everything they desire in order to create the closest possible connection between you.

Question: So am I sacrificing, for example, my time, my attention, and so on?

Answer: As much as possible, of course. This is how you buy yourself a friend. Because if you have several such friends, together you can achieve a connection with the Creator.

Since we do not feel the Creator, it is possible to understand Him and communicate with Him only after you become closer to your friends, communicate with them, and unite with them.

Question: If I am practicing acquiring the quality of bestowal toward my friend, then essentially, there is no difference whether I am bestowing to my friend or bestowing to the Creator, right?

Answer: There is practically no difference, because you perceive both your friend and the Creator outside of yourself. Therefore it does not matter whether you are bestowing to one person, to all of humanity, or to the Creator. Moreover, you do not expect any compensation in return. This is called unconditional love, love without conditions.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 4/11/24

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