Be The Creator’s Friend

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe principle is very simple: Everything depends on how important our desire to receive, our nature, sees something. If I see an important person I have a desire to get close to him, and I appreciate him according to how important he is.

Then I look at that important person without taking my eyes off of him, just like a mother who cannot take her eyes off her baby since he is the most important thing for her. I will follow the important person and try to appreciate and even love whatever he likes, and gradually I will change my tastes in order to resemble him. To get close to him means to love what he loves, and to behave as he does. This is the law of bestowal and love, the law of importance.

Therefore, the first condition is “make yourself a Rav,” by seeing that the Creator is important to us; the goal of His creation becomes important for us, the law of equivalence of form, which we should attain. This is what we should work on.

The Creator is concealed so that we will not chase Him egoistically like we chase an important person in our world because being close to him promises me a real gain. I have to yearn to chase the Creator so that it will only be beneficial for my vessels of bestowal, so that there will not be any self-benefit in my bestowal and my connection with Him; that it should be only for Him, for being equal to Him and not for the filling of my ego.

It is because by the filling of my ego, I cut myself off from the Creator and only want to receive from Him. In order to allow me to chase the Creator so that I can adhere to Him by changing my attributes to His attributes, the Creator is concealed. We, however, have to change ourselves by the help of the society.

To the extent that the environment depicts and presents the Creator’s greatness to me, I can think about the changes in me, about changing my attributes to His attributes. Then by “make yourself a Rav,” which means by seeing that the Creator is important, I attain “buy yourself a friend” and connect to Him by resembling His attributes.

This is the whole process that the sages expressed in the short message of “make yourself a Rav and buy yourself a friend!” If we don’t see the Creator as great and important, we will not be able to get close to Him and to annul ourselves.

So there aren’t people who cannot succeed because they have a weak character or don’t have the brains, the sensitivity, or power to do so. The only explanation for our failures is the lack of feeling the importance of the goal, which we can always buy from the environment.
From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/31/13

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