Has the Creator Declared War Against Us?

220Question: We live in turbulent times, after all. We look back and we see pandemic and war. We have also had powerful earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. I will not even mention the death toll because it is growing rapidly. Every day they add two or three thousand unfortunate, dead people. It is also very cold there. The cold weather hit exactly at the same time. Now, probably, it is almost impossible to find people who are still alive.

When there are wars between people, then, in principle, it may be possible to come to some kind of agreement at some point when the forces are exhausted. But when war is declared by nature, what is there to do?

We are such little bugs! We have developed science and technology, but we cannot foresee what is happening. What is going on there is hell! The war that nature has declared on us, what should we do with it? How can we work with this?

Answer: I think there is nothing we can do. Nothing!

The Torah says that if you do the right thing, according to your conscience, and so on, then everything will be fine. The CreatorNature (in gematria “Teva”) will treat you normally, and everything will be fine. You will get the sun in time, the rain in time. In general, everything will be alright. But this is on condition that you will be good.

Question: You said that Nature—”Nature” with a capital letter—is equivalent to the concept of the Creator. The gematria of these two words in Hebrew is the same. That is, we are talking about the Creator, right?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: You also say that if we are good to the Creator, then He will be good to us.

My Response: Naturally. Fulfill His commandments and you will see how He treats you absolutely in the same way! The commandments are the laws of nature.

The laws of nature are not physics, mathematics, and so on, which we know from science. The laws of nature are those that relate to the level of a person’s attitude to the world. That is, it is the relationship of people with each other, the relationship of a person with inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature. This is a person’s attitude to the universe, to the cosmos, to everything. All of this means the attitude of a person to the Creator.

In general, it should be just love, a correct and warm attitude to everything that is outside of you. To everything outside of you.

Comment: That is, I have a love for myself, there is no getting away from it.

My Response: This is your egoism.

Question: Are you saying that I do not have it for the other and for what is outside of me?

Answer: No, of course not.

Question: Or is it insufficient?

Answer: No! It does not exist.

Question: How can I exit myself and start loving something around me? Are there any steps that a person should take? We are now talking, in principle, about how to resist or how to stop this entire war that nature has declared against us. If possible, give specific advice. How can I exit myself and start loving something outside of myself?

Answer: This is “love your neighbor as yourself.” This is the most important and general commandment of the entire Torah.

Question: When you say “neighbor,” do you mean only a person who is close to me?

Answer: In general, in principle, this is an attitude to everything around you. You must develop this love in yourself and start giving it. Moreover, not just by calculation: this I love a little more, this a little less, and so on. Love! To love is when your heart tells you what your attitude should be.

Comment: The topic of the heart is also not very clear to us.

My Response: We need to work on it. This is not just to flip some switch. This is a whole process to love someone outside of yourself.

Question: What does it mean to love?

Answer: To love means to treat another as yourself. What could be simpler?

Comment: That is for sure. But we cannot make this step.

My Response: No. We do not even understand how.

Question: How to make it then?

Answer: I do not know. We need to just watch some movie first, about how a person loves himself so that I can learn from this how I should love others.

Question: Do you mean, kind of to copy it?

Answer: Yes. Go on, show me in some movie about how much I love myself, without any exceptions. Then I will see from here how I should love others. So that I always have this example.

Comment: So, I live all the time to receive something sweet, good, warm, kind, and cordial, I want everyone to treat me like this.

My Response: Mainly, to be right all the time.

Question: You are right here, yes. Do I suddenly have to give it up and say, “You are right”?

Answer: Yes.

Question: This is a serious job. Will nature calm down then?

Answer: Of course, it will calm down! Because you, the most important instigator of all this negative process, will simply remove yourself from the picture. Nature corrects us and leads us to this very decision.

And nature reacts to this. It has given the human this world, this Earth, at his mercy. Do whatever you want.

Comment: But, in principle, it is giving and bestowing.

My Response: It is giving and bestowing to the extent that you are giving and bestowing.

Comment: You put an equal sign here; if I am the same as it, everything will be fine.

My Response: A person must come to the similarity with the Creator. This is why nature is not giving up here.

Question: If we reduce everything to a short sentence, then it turns out that we must be similar to the Creator and that is it. Just how to do it?! Will it not rest until we come to that?

Answer: No! It is said about this: “Rise to the level of the Creator.”

Comment: Do you know that seismologists are already predicting that it will not stop, but will continue to shake us more and more? There is something going on with the core, something with the Earth. I will not go into the technical details. But they say it will continue to shake and there will be more and more places where it will be seriously shaking. That is what they say.

My Response: It is as if the Creator is playing with our Earth as with a ball.

Question: Is this, as you say, until we make this decision and begin to move toward the Creator?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Do we just need to make this decision? Is that all that is required of us?

Answer: But we need to agree! To accept means to agree. This is not like at a meeting—we accepted this unanimously and went home. There should be unanimous agreement here, of all people to live according to the principle of “love your neighbor as yourself.”

Question: Can we say that all 613, or even 620 commandments are included in this one commandment?

Answer: Of course.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/9/23

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