Audio Version Of The Blog – 10/2/23

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Two Souls Opening for Us the Door to the Creator

115It is difficult to overestimate the greatness of Baal HaSulam and Rabash because these are people who help us and do their best to raise us from the lowest degree, that is, from this world, to the spiritual degree of the upper world. Apart from them, there are no other people who would care that we rise from the level of death to the level of life, realize why we live, and thanks to what we exist.

They introduce the Creator to us and teach us how to open the door to Him and come closer to Him. Therefore, Rabash and Baal HaSulam are not even two people, but two upper, special spiritual forces that take care of us, and therefore are closer to us than all other created beings.

Reading the lines written by Rabash in honor of his holy father, Baal HaSulam, we will try to connect to them with all our heart and soul and understand that we are granted a connection with these special souls.

Kabbalists are the system of connection in the common soul of Adam HaRishon, which has already been corrected. A person who corrects himself joins this system and, together with all Kabbalists, builds a network that raises all other souls: picks them up, and helps them rise closer and closer to the Creator.

Besides the fact that Kabbalists have left us their articles, they are still all between us and participate in our work. It is said that Kabbalists have no rest either in this world or in the future world because they help us until the very end of correction. After all, all souls are connected, tied up together, and help each other. Even if we do not feel it, like babies who do not understand who cares for them and how, nonetheless this is how it happens.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/26/23, “Baal Hasulam Memorial Day”

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“1,000s of People Open Their Hearts into One Giant Heart” (Times of Israel)

Michael Laitman, On The Times of Israel: “1,000s of People Open Their Hearts into One Giant Heart
We are currently in the midst of our World Kabbalah Convention taking place with over 2,000 participants from over 30 countries in Petah Tikva, Israel, and with thousands more virtual participants all over the world.

The theme of the convention is opening our hearts. How can we open our hearts as wide as possible to everyone? To open our hearts as wide as possible to everyone, we must recognize that such a gathering as this one takes place within each of our hearts.

At the convention, we focus on directing ourselves to unite our hearts into one, and by doing so come closer to the Creator, the upper force of love and bestowal that reveals itself where our hearts unite. If our goal is to reveal the Creator, then that is the way to do it.

Therefore, those who seek to discover and attain the Creator have no alternative. Humanity, in the end, must traverse a path marked by suffering, challenges, thoughts and desires until we reach a state where the barriers within our hearts dissolve, and we unite as one heart. That is the ultimate objective.

Consequently, humanity progresses from year to year and from day to day, encountering a variety of challenges until it realizes that the only way forward is to combat the egoistic nature that constantly seeks to separate us from each other. In the wisdom of Kabbalah, we learn how the Creator maintains such a state of separation between people in order to give room for our efforts to bridge the divide, and by doing so, we can amplify our connection to the Creator and experience His presence much more profoundly.

Therefore, initially, we observe that each person is primarily focused on their egoistic desires, and there is no choice but to strive for closeness and connection among each other, uniting in a common desire. This is what we refer to as “one heart,” the goal that Kabbalist Baruch Ashlag (the Rabash) wrote to us about.

I remember that after a few years studying with Rabash, I conducted Kabbalah introductory lectures in various locations in Tel Aviv, and several new students came as a result. I invited these students to a gathering, toward which, on one of my daily walks in the park with Rabash, I had asked him, “What should we discuss with them?”

He asked for some aluminum foil from a cigarette pack I had. I gave it to him.

He then proceeded to write his very first article titled “Purpose of Society – 1” with the words: “We have gathered here to establish a society for all who wish to follow the path and method of Baal HaSulam, the way by which to climb the degrees of man and not remain as a beast…”

It has been nearly 40 years since that day, but there is no change to the topic. Although many have heard of it, the process and method of correction remain the same as elucidated by ancient Kabbalists even thousands of years ago.

Thousands of people right now are making special efforts to come together as one, to connect their individual hearts into one collective heart. That heart is made up of many different parts, and their connection creates a vessel for the revelation of the Creator, which is one for everyone. In other words, all we need in order to reveal the Creator is for everyone to open their hearts to everyone, that everyone has a place in each one’s heart, then by doing so, we open our collective heart. That is what this convention is all about.

Based on Lesson 1 from the World Kabbalah Convention on September 30, 2023. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Close the Eyes and Open the Heart

938.01Question: When I participated in workshops online, it seemed that everything was simple, I closed my eyes and opened my heart. At physical meetings, however, I realized that if I do not close my eyes, I will not be able to open my heart. How can I close my eyes?

Answer: We must try to see our friends (men, women) not with our eyes, but only with our feelings in how much they are aiming together with you to the Creator. In this, you will connect with them, between them, and with the Creator.

Question: What else helps to close my eyes, besides shame?

Answer: The feeling of happiness that you are in the correct direction.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/16/23, “Rosh HaShana

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What to Do if the State Is Ripping You Off

633.2When your child earns his first money for ice cream, do the following:
1. Before he has a chance to lick his ice cream, snatch it from him and bite off 20%.
2. While your child stares at you in amazement, take another 30% bite.
Then give him the rest of the ice cream and explain that this is what the state does with all the money someone earns. And this will be the case with every ice cream he buys for himself. And that the percentage of the bite can be reduced by grabbing the biter by the hand and demanding to know why they are taking so many bites.

If every parent does this, there is hope that a generation of people will grow up in this country who will understand that the government does not have its own money—it only has taxpayer money. And that taxpayers not only can but should, monitor how government officials spend their money. (Unverified attribution to Margaret Thatcher)

Question: What do you think about this way of educating a citizen? That from a childhood prepare to be robbed: distrust—verification—control. What do you think about a child being brought up this way?

Answer: The words are right. It is good when the child feels such stress.

Question: Is it good that he is already ready to be robbed by the state?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: Actually, this is a child. Let us say 10 to 14 years old.

My Response: No, that is already an adult.

Question: Do you think this is a possible option to educate like this?

Answer: Yes, it is good for the child and good for the person in general, for parents, and everyone.

Question: So he does not go out into the world with his arms open. He knows that the world is anxious and will bite them off. Do you think this is a good entrance?

Answer: Yes, it is quite good.

Question: What do you think about a prime minister who insists that a citizen should monitor him and his employees and subordinates? Margaret Thatcher, they say, was like that.

Answer: Yes! She was tough! She did not dismiss the criticism, but on the contrary, listened.

Question: Then what is trust in the government?

Answer: When I know, I am sure that the government is acting correctly. Then I trust it.

Question: Is it when I understand that it correctly takes a precise amount of money from me? Will it be only after some kind of check by me?

Answer: Absolutely.

Question: Is the person also being educated if he lives like this?

Answer: Naturally. He checks others for everything and checks himself, and sees that it all fits into the right system.

Question: Is this self–control, and control in general, mandatory?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then in general, what is the correct education of a citizen?

Answer: The correct education of a citizen is that he knows his political economy well: where the money comes from, where it goes, and how he manages it.

Question: That is, how he would have done it himself. Does he become a citizen who knows this and understands all this?

Answer: Yes. At least, he should understand that in his business, in his work, and in his house, he should be a businessman, a master.

Question: Is this the correct education of a citizen?

Answer: Of course. Then this is correct at the level of the house and the family, and the state in general.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/24/23

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Evolution of Discoveries

115.06Question: There are well-known periods of egoistic development: a sharp surge of the Roman Empire, then Byzantium and the Crusaders. But why did all this revolve around the Holy Land?

Answer: If we talk about the earthly level, then I believe it was all about politics, nothing else. However, in principle, all this happened in order to further and further develop humanity toward a gradual understanding of today’s spiritual processes. Everything was moving only forward, only toward the future goal.

With the emergence of the great Kabbalist Ari, the process of Renaissance began because the world started moving toward its correction. Prior to Ari, there was a period of breaking and mixing of various internal fragments of shattered humanity. But starting with him and onward, a period of purposeful flow toward correction had begun.

This is when the Hasidism of Eastern Europe and many Kabbalists emerged. Simultaneously, there was a general development, the discovery of lands by Columbus, Gutenberg’s printing press, and other discoveries and technologies—everything started to develop.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Evolution of Discoveries” 10/31/11

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Evolution Of The Method From Adam To Our Day
Long Way To The Temple, Part 1
The Real History of the World

Egoism Is the Matter of Nature

115.05The history of human development is an external manifestation of our inner egoistic development.

The fact is that egoistic development takes place in humanity only in its various manifestations, concentrations, and pace. It pushes people forward. This is how we have evolved over many millions of years.

As egoism developed, this process became more and more intense. Let’s say that the transition from dinosaurs to monkeys took 100 million years, and the transition from a monkey to Homo Erectus, speaking man, took 2 million years. Meaning, this process is very steep, exponential.

Naturally the development of egoism is what happens in nature because the ego is the matter of all nature.

Therefore, the only question here is how different degrees, different egoistic forms, get their application in the outside world, both in the form of wars and in the form of technological advances. Suddenly, for example, new weapons appear, or printing develops, or some kind of progress culturally, or there is a transition from one system to another, the rise of some countries over others, and so on. All this is determined by the growing egoism.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. History of Human Development” 10/31/11

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The Real History of the World
World History In The Light Of Kabbalah, Part 2
History Of Humanity – A Look Inside, Part 1

How Can We Change Our World?

715Comment: You call our world low and disgusting. But, in principle, this world is actually spiritual.

My Response: If you use it correctly.

Question: In essence, is it our task to turn perceptions around, and this whole world will become harmonious, beautiful, and pleasant?

Answer: Certainly, just not our world, not this one that you see, but your inner world.

Question: In this case, will our world still remain so dirty, mired in corruption, and crooked, and will it never be corrected?

Answer: It all depends on the relationships between people. If we will correct our relationships, then everything will change. Through our relationships, such a light will begin to shine in this world that it will correct it entirely, everything we have created here is polluted. The light will correct everything to such an extent that the world will be clean, and transparent.

Question: But in essence, this level is also created by the Creator. Why is it considered dirty?

Answer: It is a reflection of our relationships, like a collective mirror that shows the distorted spiritual world. And if I change my attitude toward others, then everything in this mirror will change.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How To Change Our World?” 10/31/11

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To Change The World

What if only Donkeys Are Around?

961.2The donkey told the tiger, “The grass is blue.”
The tiger replied, “No, the grass is green.”
The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so they approached the lion.
The donkey told the tiger, “The grass is blue.”
The tiger replied, “No, the grass is green.”
The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so they approached the lion.
As they approached the lion on his throne, the donkey started screaming: ′Your Highness, isn’t it true that the grass is blue?”
The lion replied: If you believe it is true, the grass is blue.”
The donkey rushed forward and continued ′′The tiger disagrees with me, contradicts me and annoys me. Please punish him.”
The king then declared: ′′The tiger will be punished with 3 days of silence.”
The donkey jumped with joy and went on his way, content and repeating ′′The grass is blue, the grass is blue…”
The tiger asked the lion, “Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is green?”
The lion replied, ′′You’ve known and seen the grass is green.”
The tiger asked, ′′So why do you punish me?”
The lion replied, “That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is degrading for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with an ass, and on top of that, you came and bothered me with that question just to validate something you already knew was true!” (“Short Story of the Donkey, the Tiger and the Lion: When Arguing is Futile”)

Question: When you argue with someone, which one of you is a donkey?

Answer: The one who objects to the donkey is the donkey.

Question: As a result, this tiger who objects to a donkey is a donkey? And there is no need to waste time on these arguments?

Answer: There is no need. The lion is right to condemn him.

Question: Then the question is how can one argue with donkeys, since it happens all the time? You say: “Don’t argue at all.” But what should one do?

Answer: There is nothing you can do. If they exist in nature, then the wisest thing is not to get into an argument with them.

Question: That is, if there is a stubborn person, and you understand that he is stubborn, you don’t have to prove your truth to him in any way?

Answer: In no way.

Question: How will you build your truth if there are, say, only donkeys around you?

Answer: Tell them all that they are right. And if there are a lot of them, let them sort it out among themselves.

Question: Do you keep your truth to yourself and not spread it?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Question: Is this the right thing to do?

Answer: Not only is this the right thing, it is the only right way out of this state.

Question: Meaning, it’s like what is happening now in the country: everyone is stubborn and holds on to his own, precisely his own. And he’ll never move away from it; you know that perfectly well. And you still get in and out of arguments. Why?

Answer: Each tries to convince the other that he is right.

Question: And what does this result in?

Answer: That everybody is a donkey.

Question: But what are my actions, after all? Quietly, calmly build my own on the sidelines, without entering into disputes?

Answer: Yes, mind your own business.

Question: How will I draw my own, non-donkey line?

Answer: Don’t draw it.

Question: How will this be resolved then?

Answer: It will be resolved somehow. If the world is made up of donkeys, then nothing can be done. Understand what it is like.

Question: I will ask you carefully: does the world consist mainly of donkeys after all?

Answer: We can see it!

Question: Yes, we see that everyone defends their position. What is the future of this world then? Surely it has to come to some sort of decision after all?

Answer: No.

Question: Can it continue like this?

Answer: Yes. The last thousands of years that we have known the world, this is how it happens.

Comment: It’s going to go on and on.

My Response: Of course. Give the donkeys a chance to live normally in this world.

Question: What will this result in?

Answer: This will lead to the fact that there will be wars after which there will be little left.

Question: Nobody will give in?

Answer: Nobody. After some kind of war, people will remain by the ashes; they will sit quietly by the fire, drink tea and talk. It will no longer matter to them.

Question: Former enemies, is that what you mean?

Answer: Yes, even enemies.

Question: Will these wars go on again?

Answer: They will, inevitably.

Comment: Wars, I mean even our skirmishes.

My Response: As long as egoism exists, it will not disappear. This is human nature.

Question: How can we change our nature? How can we rise above the “donkey,” to get out of the donkey state?

Answer: Only if people understand the meaning of the existence of the world, countries, and people, will they be able to do something about it.

Question: Then tell me, what should they understand?

Answer: They must understand what we are saying: that the world is in its egoistic development. We have to realize this. We have to rise above our egoism. If we want to, then it will happen; and if we don’t want to, then it won’t happen. Then after some generations they will dig us up and understand what happened here.

Question: I don’t want it to be like this. What do you think might work?

Answer: Only evil can work. When evil manifests more, then we can rise above it. Evil must be realized. It is not that the world is collapsing. It must be a realized evil, that this is the nature of man and only if we decide and shout together to the Creator will we be saved.

Question: So you are talking about the recognition of my evil as such, in everyone? Is this evil?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then what function is assigned to us?

Answer: I hope that our work will still show its result somewhere. Somewhere it will.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/21/23

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 10/2/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

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Selected Highlights

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