Not To Rebuild the World, But To Understand How It Is Built

99Due to all the events taking place in the world, the Creator gradually brings to our consciousness, blow by blow, that we are developing in the wrong manner, both individually and everyone in general. We finally have to understand the laws of the system we are in.

It is naive to think that we build these systems ourselves. We see that our universe and all of reality exists according to certain laws that are revealed by physics, chemistry, biology, and astronomy. Everything acts according to these laws, and we humans also obey them. Why do we suddenly think that we can invent new laws ourselves, as we please?

If everyone wants to establish their own laws for the existence of the world in the way that is convenient for them, then only wars and conflicts between people result from this. No one understands what the correct system of world governance is. During elections, everyone shouts at each other that they know how to build the world better than the others. But the world does not need to be built; you just need to understand how it is already built and how to correctly integrate in the system that already exists.

It is said that “the world works as usual” and there is no need to change anything in it. You only need to change yourself, to bring yourself in line with the system that is embedded within reality—meaning the task is to change a person, not to change the world.

To understand this we have been given the science of Kabbalah. And when we begin to find out how much we contradict the laws of general reality and find in ourselves the reason for this opposition—our egoism; we can correct it by integrating into the system of creation and by rising above the whole creation like the Creator. As it is said: “And you will become like gods, and know the laws of good and evil.”

Then we get unlimited possibilities in the whole creation. And not only in the material world that we feel in our five physical senses where we can freely move from one side of reality to another, but also in spiritual reality.

All this can be achieved, but of course this is a long process during which we will need to educate ourselves and our children. It can stretch for several generations until the entire human society comes to harmony with nature.

Inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature do not need correction since they act according to natural instincts. Only we humans are the opposite of nature, and so we harm ourselves and the whole of nature. Therefore, it is our duty to study the laws of nature and change ourselves in accordance with these laws, which we can reveal.

These days many people have questions that cause misunderstanding and pain. Why are there such wars and suffering in the world?

So far we are only studying the laws of nature, and then we will begin to fulfill them little by little; that is, we are getting closer and closer to connection and even to love between all people, to the highest level of unity. And then we will begin to understand how we can change ourselves. And in accordance with our changes, nature will begin to change, turn toward us, and become kind and friendly.

The science of Kabbalah teaches us how we need to change in order to reveal the true laws of nature.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/2/22, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Peace in the World”

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