How Can We Change Our World?

715Comment: You call our world low and disgusting. But, in principle, this world is actually spiritual.

My Response: If you use it correctly.

Question: In essence, is it our task to turn perceptions around, and this whole world will become harmonious, beautiful, and pleasant?

Answer: Certainly, just not our world, not this one that you see, but your inner world.

Question: In this case, will our world still remain so dirty, mired in corruption, and crooked, and will it never be corrected?

Answer: It all depends on the relationships between people. If we will correct our relationships, then everything will change. Through our relationships, such a light will begin to shine in this world that it will correct it entirely, everything we have created here is polluted. The light will correct everything to such an extent that the world will be clean, and transparent.

Question: But in essence, this level is also created by the Creator. Why is it considered dirty?

Answer: It is a reflection of our relationships, like a collective mirror that shows the distorted spiritual world. And if I change my attitude toward others, then everything in this mirror will change.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How To Change Our World?” 10/31/11

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