Children Can Not Be Made Rich Dummies

565.01In the News (CNBC): ‘James Bond’ actor Daniel Craig says his children won’t be receiving his multimillion-dollar fortune.

“Daniel Craig may command eight-figure Hollywood paychecks…but the 53-year-old actor isn’t planning on sharing much of it with his children.

“In the most recent issue of Candis Magazine, Craig detailed his philosophy on inheritance, saying he doesn’t plan to have much money left to give to his children by the time he dies.

 “’Isn’t there an old adage that if you die a rich person, you’ve failed?’ Craig said in the interview, according to the Times of London. …

“Craig says that he finds it ‘distasteful’ to leave heirs massive amounts of money. …

“’My philosophy is get rid of it or give it away before you go,’ Craig said.”

Question: What do you think. about his solution? How does it feel for children to hear this? Here they are, sitting and listening and dad says: “You will not get anything from me.”

Answer: No, “nothing” does not mean “nothing.” This means that everyone will have a house, some kind of bank account, a couple of million.

Comment: There will be a launch pad.

My Response: Yes, this is the correct approach. That is, paying for university, a good wedding gift, and so on, that’s okay. But nothing more.

Question: That is, everything is not transferred to the family, everything to the estate? Just what is needed? What does this do to a young man?

Answer: It prepares him for life. He understands that he must prepare himself for the basis of life. He must work, study, and acquire a specialty, perhaps create some kind of enterprise with the money that his father will give him that will help create this. But not that he will be a rich dummy all his life.

Question: That is, if he gets all the money at once, as you say, and becomes a rich dummy, what does that do to him?

Answer: It kills a person. There is nothing worse.

Question: He will not be able to start at some pace, continue, and so on?

Answer: Only if he is squeezed.

Question: Do you think that proper parenting includes pinching too?

Answer: Absolutely! Without this, absolutely nothing sensible will come of a person. It is written in the Torah that in no case show your children that you are rich, and much less that you are preparing to leave something for them.

You promise to help them prepare themselves for a good, normal, intelligent, productive life. And that’s all.

Question: You mean you should not spoil your children?

Answer: No way!

Question: Help them a little and let them go?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So you are in favor of what Daniel Craig says?

Answer: Yes, I agree with him!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/19/21

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