Nature Demands Harmony from Us

707When we become adults, we come in contact with each other, not in a family sense, but in serious social contact. What binds us is the necessity of our earthly existence.

If we were not connected, we would not be able to provide for ourselves because today, especially today, in order to provide for ourselves, it is necessary to be in contact with the whole world. Absolutely with everything!

If you take any objects in our world, let’s say what surrounds you in your apartment right now, you will discover that practically the entire world participates in arranging your home.

Now, the question is: what is next? And next, we must participate with each other not in an egoistic alliance with each other in order to feed ourselves and arrange our lives, but also in order to achieve harmony with nature.

Nature compels us to be harmoniously connected with each other. To the extent it is interconnected on its levels—inanimate, vegetative, and animate—to such extent it compels us to be interconnected on the human society level with mutual assistance, complete conjugation, complete unity, and complete mutual inclusion in one unified picture. We absolutely must do this.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How not to Lose Money?” 10/31/11

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