What Are We Being Punished For?

294.2In our time, the countries are all linked in the satisfaction of their needs of life, as individuals were in their families in earlier times. Therefore, we can no longer speak or deal with just conducts that guarantee the well-being of one country or one nation, but only with the well-being of the whole world, for the benefit or harm of each and every person in the world depends and is measured by the benefit of all the individuals the world over (Baal HaSulam “Peace in the World“).

Question: Today everyone understands universal interdependence and tries to move away from it with all their might. For example, America wants to get free from China, but China produces 80% of solar panels and batteries for electric vehicles. Everyone wants to get free from Taiwan, but 80% of computer chips are made in Taiwan. And yet everyone wants to “get free, get free…”.

What is the future of this global world? Baal HaSulam saw that it was already tied up.

Answer: Nobody will be able to get away from it. They just talk, but they really can’t.

Question: Will they not break free? So are these chains, or is it everyone’s wish after all?

Answer: Of course. The desire to be independent is great in each of us and in every nation and in every part of the world. But there is no getting away from it.

Question: And if a person thinks that “I have my vegetable garden; there is my production; I make both tires and cars”?

Answer: No, we went through this 500 years ago. And now it’s impossible.

Question: So do you think that the globalization of the world and this global tie is inevitable?

Answer: It is inevitable, and even more so every year.

Question: What should it be? Forcing humanity into understanding?

Answer: Yes. But how? When you see that you are completely dependent on your neighbor, then you stop fighting with him.

Question: So do we have to come to the consciousness that, after all our breakups and divorces, I am completely dependent on my neighbor?

Answer: Of course. That’s how it goes!

Comment: But I don’t see this, and neither do you.

My Response: All this should be determined by the measure of suffering. Suffering is the foundation.

Comment: Meaning it turns out that I have to suffer almost to the limit. I have to ruin everything around.

My Response: This will be closer to final correction.

Question: Couldn’t I fix all the threads with my neighbors in advance, which I would not be able to break later? Before we suffered, by some wisdom?

Answer: What wisdom? This is stupidity. I’m sorry.

Question: The fact that I can fix all the threads with my neighbors in advance, which I would not be able to break later? Or that will I tear them up later anyway?

Answer: We can’t escape.

Question: Then what needs to happen for me to understand that I am really in a complete bundle and do not want to leave it? I want to live like this.

Answer: Awareness of the complete dependence of everyone on everything.

Question: How does it come?

Answer: Through problems, through pain, through suffering, through illnesses, in which I reveal how tied we are.

Comment: Scientists say that we are really tied up. Biologists say that.

My Response: But you have to experience it on your own skin! That’s the problem. This is how it turns out in the family, or with relatives, and so on. That’s when you feel it, and it goes all over you, like a rake on a naked body. Then I am ready to renounce it. These “rakes” will help me realize my evil.

And there really are a lot of questions. Big deal, these rakes! Why should I reveal all in this way? Am I really such an idiot? Am I really that limited? Am I really that stupid? Am I being punished as a child, like at school or at home? Can’t you be a little smarter? No, you can’t.

Question: So this experience must pass through me?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: Someone drove this rake over me, didn’t they? I will never forget the pain that he caused me.

My Response: You will be eternally grateful to him!

Question: Do you understand what humanity is like today? As I am today, it’s not that I can’t watch, but I just hate it. How can I turn this hatred into gratitude?

Answer: Revelation of the great degree to which you are rising thanks to these “rakes.” And there is huge love for the Creator, who has provided for all this in advance and prepared it for us.

Question: The further we go, the scarier it turns out. I am grateful to him, whom I hate; I am grateful to the Creator who spun it all.

And to what degree must I climb to really be grateful?

Answer: This is the revelation of evil. The recognition of evil is that it is not evil, but absolute good.

Question: Which led me to what as a result?

Answer: To love! You kiss the rake.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/1/23

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