Audio Version Of The Blog – 7/1/23

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International Kabbalah Convention “Day One” – 7/1/23

Preparation to the Lesson 1

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Lesson 1 — “Before They Call, I Will Answer”

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Preparation to the Lesson 2

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Lesson 2 – “Besides Prayer, There Is Nothing to Give”

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Covenant between Worlds

243.05As the form of the covenant was sown in forty-two Zivugim from the seed, the engraved and explicit Name was sown in the forty-two letters of the act of creation (Introduction of The Book of Zohar, “The Rose“).

Comment: It is not clear how to connect these words.

My Response: When a person reads The Book of the Zohar, maybe even more than once, and passes it through himself, he gradually begins to understand some kind of connection between the sentences and what they lead to.

The article “The Rose” is about the covenant between the upper world and the lower world. It is said that “the form of the covenant was sown in forty-two Zivugim (connections) from the seed,” i.e., from the upper light, which carried in itself the quality of the global connection.

42 qualities must unite in order to create the correct contact, the correct connection, between the upper world (Atzilut) and the lower world.

Question: What 42 letters are we talking about if there are only 22 letters in Hebrew?

Answer: 22 letters are not letters, but qualities. Plus 10 more direct light and 10 reflected light.

The correct translation of the word “letter” is “sign.” That is, 22 signs of the connection of the spiritual world with our world and five additional sofit letters: mem, nun, tzadi, peh, and kaf (ם, ן, ץ, ף, ך), which are written only at the end of words.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 6/4/23

Related Material:
Mutual Movement
The Connection Between Letters And Digits
Why Are There No Letters Above Bina In The Spiritual World?

The Virus of Selfishness

565.02Question: Do you have students who suppress others for themselves, that impose their mentality and their understanding on others. How can we protect people from this virus?

Answer: In any environment, in any society, there are such people, and there is no getting away from them. It is necessary to accept them as they are and realize that they are all brought up one above the other. Both these and those will develop normally and eventually be rebuilt.

Question: Have there been such changes in your memory that a person turns into a completely different person?

Answer: Sure. At the same time, very powerful, ambitious people who believed that in Kabbalah they could suppress others and establish their own opinion, slowly changed, and so did everyone else around them. All this happens simultaneously in one common mechanism, which is regulated depending on the behavior of each of its parts. They mutually influence each other and move forward.

Question: But it doesn’t change a person’s character, does it?

Answer: He begins to use these means of suppression against himself. In principle, it is necessary to monitor such problems in the group, but there is no need to take any action, to suppress anything harshly.

Question: Why are there people who are insensitive to many things?

Answer: They are specially created like this. They have very big egoism. It means that they will go far afterward.

Question: What do you mean by “big egoism”?

Answer: Such a person on the material level feels only himself and wants to rule in his stupidity, to suppress others in his jealousy. You can’t do anything with him, you have to wait until he corrects himself, until the light begins to act on him so that he begins to feel his evil.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Spoiled Students of Laitman” 5/14/11

Related Material:
There Are No Bad Characteristics
Reeducating Leaders
The Special Role Of Zealous Egoists

Double Correction

207Comment: You say that the world exists not outside of us, but within us. In any case, outside you see the same thing that, let’s say, is shown on the news.

My Response: Yes, that is correct because we are still in this world with our animalistic senses. In addition I have another sensation above the animalistic one in which I perceive the world differently.

Both perceptions of the world exist within me in parallel: one is based on my egoistic desire, which remains for the time being because I still have uncorrected qualities, and through them, I sense the same as you supposedly sense.

And “allegedly you” because you do not exist, you are in me. And so it will be until I will correct myself to the extent that I begin to perceive everything within me. But before that, I have to correct myself in a twofold way.

In two ways means that I have to correct myself in relation to you and try to provide you with a method of correction so that you correct yourself in relation to me. This duality is specially designed to help us bring both perceptions of the world into one.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. There are freaks around“ 5/14/11

Related Material:
How We Perceive The World
The Objective Perception Of The World
Objective Reality or Common Misconception?

Surviving while Surrounded by Enemies

549.02Comment: At one time, many people from different countries of the world came to Israel: from Morocco, Yemen, Russia, and so on. But those who could not settle here began to leave for America, Germany, and other countries.

My Response: That’s right because only a person who initially has some justification for living here can be in this country. Any other country in the world is able to create more comfortable and safe conditions than here [Israel].

Where have you seen thousands of missiles aimed at a piece of land like Israel? It is surrounded by haters with knives in their hands ready to kill everyone. Everyone! Without any feeling! With only one feeling, a feeling of joy.

Despite this, people live here. Subconsciously they are kind of dismissive of this fact because otherwise you will not survive it.

Comment: But at the same time, there is a feeling of greater security in Israel than anywhere else. It is the feeling of security that nobody is going to come up to you and give you a blow on the head.

My Response: It is natural for the Jews. They can be very big thugs, but intellectual thugs. To use street banditry is not acceptable for them, they are not this kind of people.

Throughout their history, Jews received too many educational injections. Therefore, there are no internal movements in them to display brute force, to approach you and push, stab, or something else. Children can walk alone in the street in the evenings without any problems. In general, it is safe. But this is because people are like that originally.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Hatred of the Jews” 5/14/11

Related Material:
Connection With The Land Of Israel
The Call Of The Soul For The Promised Land
Who Is Attracted To The Land Of Israel?