Audio Version Of The Blog – 7/9/23

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The Parable of the Wise Man

198Comment: There is a parable about a young man who came to the sage with a request to accept him as a student. “Do you know how to lie?” The sage asked. “Of course not,” the student replied. “And do you know who to steal?” – “No.” “And to kill?” – “No.” “So go and learn all this,” the sage exclaimed, “and when you learn how, don’t do it.”

My Response: The sage was a Kabbalist!

Question: Do we really have to go through all this, to steal, to serve time in prison, to kill someone, even within ourselves, and all of this to become a man, to become a sage?

Answer: Of course. One must go through everything. Then he will become a great man. He learns what the real quality of the world is.

Question: Is it the quality of stealing?

Answer: Stealing, lying, robbing, and then he will rise above it.

That’s what we have to do. By nature, we have only a bad quality; it is egoistic, egoism.

Question: Are we thieves?

Answer: Yes, all of us. And from the Creator we received the commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Question: How He twisted it all! He just let us be the last and said: “You must love your neighbor.”

Is it only a wise man who needs to go through everything? Because here a disciple came to him to learn how to be a sage.

Answer: Yes.

Question: And what about a calm, normal, ordinary person who does not dream and does not want to be a sage?

Answer: There are no commandments for him.

Question: That is, just live your life as you do?

Answer: Yes. And what should be demanded from him if he does not have a bad quality, if he doesn’t feel egoistic?

Question: Is that the most important thing? And does the wise man send his student to go and study himself?

Answer: Yes. If he knows that this evil is in him, and he wants to get rid of it, then everything opens up to him.

Question: So a person should be horrified that he is a murderer, a thief, and a rapist?

Answer: But it is revealed so gradually that it is a long process until he is really horrified.

Question: You once told me that your teacher Rabash somehow stopped you when you were outraged and said: “What a bad world!” And he suddenly said that in him, your teacher, there is a thief, a murderer;  everything is within him. How did you take it then?

Answer: I, of course, perceived Rabash in the form that he already had gone through all these stages, these terrible stages of revealing egoism in himself. And then he corrected it and discovered the opposite qualities, the positive ones.

Question: So he found it all in himself all the time?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: It’s hard work.

My Response: Everyone who is bigger than the other is more egoistic than the other.

Question: And he is given even more work? So maybe it’s better to sit quietly on the sidelines and not feel like this?

Answer: Then you will be like a beautiful flower or like a kitten.

Question: Fluffy. To live a life without discovering this dragon in yourself?

Answer: There are some religions that call for this and give their adherents generally good advice, the basics.

Question: How can you not touch this evil in yourself? To live like this?

Answer: But what can you do?

Comment: And Kabbalah is the opposite.

My Response: It begins by saying that the Creator confesses: “I created evil.”

Question: Tell me, will everyone come to this or only those who want to become wise men? Will everyone want to become wise sooner or later?

Answer: No, it is not that they want to become; everyone will discover this in themselves. The world will come to a completely positive end. But before that it must reveal absolutely all the negative qualities in itself.

Question: In the meantime, only the ones that break out should reveal this?

Answer: This is what we are trying to do with ourselves.

Question: Why do these units suddenly break out of the crowd?

Answer: They adapt the Torah, that is, the method of correction, to our world in each generation.

Question: Do they pass it on themselves?

Answer: Yes, of course, on themselves, how else?

Question: So those who want to become such wise men, to go through all this on themselves, are necessary for the world?

Answer: They are preparing the world for correction.

Question: And what does their correction give to the world ?

Answer: The basis. Thanks to them, the world is being corrected.

Question: So the world does not have to go through all these states as a murderer or a thief?

Answer: In general, yes. It goes through them, but not like that. Because there are some individuals, Kabbalists, who go through all this on themselves and justify the ugly world, mutilated by the Creator. And by correcting themselves, they correct it.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/1/23

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Long Life Variations

627.1Question: Is there such a concept as lovers in the spiritual world? For some reason, many married people, especially now, in addition to the family, have a lover or mistress.

Answer: Nowadays, due to the growth of egoism, a person lives quite a long time. Previously, people lived 30 to 40 years. And even earlier, people died at the age of 20 to 25. Then the life span gradually increased to 30 to 40, 40 to 50, and 50 to 60 years. Today people live to be 90 years old.

In this state, the problem of if we can withstand such an age psychologically arises? For example, some studies claim that the increased incidence of cancer is due to the fact that we live longer. If we lived 20 years less, we would not develop these tumors; and another 20 years less, perhaps they would not exist at all. There are diseases that are provoked by a long life.

So today’s divorces come from the fact that people live longer. They cannot live together for so many years.

First, our egoism has become very big. In addition, it is always searching for something because it is not satisfied with many things. What can satisfy it? Sex is the greatest and most accessible satisfaction in life.

It turns out that in the end everyone begins to justify their infidelity. This is probably not even called infidelity because it has become an ordinary thing.

I think that in the next few years there will not be a family that would live its whole life in one marriage.
In principle, in our time, sex, alcohol, drugs, and football are designed to cover general dissatisfaction, some kind of general hopelessness, and a general lack of confidence. At least that is a way to blow off steam. This is the shake-up that modern man needs.

Therefore, in no case can I criticize anyone. I understand how necessary it is in our world.

This can change in accordance with the change in a person’s attitude toward the world and toward life, not even in a person himself, but in his environment. As long as the environment becomes softer, it will provide a person with security, as long as a person will feel morally balanced and satisfied in it, so he will be less drawn to all sorts of problematic games and their relaxation in the form of sex. Then things will be much calmer.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Lovers” 7/9/11

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Kabbalist’s Patience

231.01Question: You understand the nature of a person you need to explain everything to 20,000 times before he understands something. How do you develop patience? After all, you have always been a very impatient person.

Answer: No, I am always patient with Kabbalistic explanations.

As for our production and dissemination, even today I am ready to get into a fight right away before I figure everything out . As for spirituality, there is nothing I can do. I am amazed at myself how instantly I become patient, ready to repeat something 20,000 times. The spiritual quality immediately begins to speak within me, and I begin to express myself from it.

For example, I have no patience in raising children. But completely different forces work with regard to the students, when you raise integral allies from them, who first must understand everything with their minds and only after that, once they agree with me, enter the general system of nature.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Fanaticism!!!” 6/14/11

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Stagnant Thinking

115.05Man has existed for many millennia, but his apparent spiritual transformation began when he began to comprehend his existence above the animal. This is not due to the formation of human society, which was created about 50,000 years ago, but precisely due to the fact that man began to rise above his social condition to the spiritual.

It was Adam 5,783 years ago who was the first to reveal the system of the upper world that manifested itself in him and who was first to begin to describe and teach it. From Adam, spiritual methods began to develop. And then Abraham continued it.

Question: Why then did egoistic development prevail?

Answer: If we had followed a different path of development, then we would have made our nature, technique, and technology completely different. We can’t even imagine what miracles both the Mayans and Egyptians had in the ancient world. But in fact, these were not miracles, but the correct physical use of the laws of nature.

There are huge opportunities and many variations of the use of the properties of nature; we go purely mechanistically, according to the principle of by force. We don’t know anything else. Look at what we are creating.

In addition, our ego stops us because if someone invents something, he immediately occupies it and wants only this to be used, and wants to destroy everything else. We put sticks in each other’s wheels, we don’t use anything at all.

They write that Tesla invented an electric car by connecting a small box to an electric motor in the car, and drove it at a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour. What kind of battery was it? Imagine, we would love to have this today!

Meaning, we use everything incorrectly. And humanity had such opportunities associated with electronics, with radio, with means of communication. In fact, everything is much simpler than we think both in reception and transmission. But our brains only work in a frozen mode.

I’m talking about a completely different line of thinking, a different perception of the universe, where you begin to see that there is a different philosophy of life, a different approach to forces, to energies. And we got into the current mechanics and electronics and believe that nothing can be done differently. Why should we necessarily work only with electrons and nothing else? A computer is just a plus or minus, it is not the transfer of information in a sensory form from person to person.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Consumer Society” 6/27/11

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Light Is the Inner Force of Our Development

938.04Question: You say we can allow the light to work on us. What does it mean to “allow it to work”? What is this annulment of oneself?

Answer: We must be similar to the light within our framework, then we can play with it and it can play with us. Within our framework means creating a communication between us that would be as similar as possible to the property of the light.

The wider this communication will be, and the deeper it will be in feelings and thoughts between us, the stronger and more effective the influence of the light will be on us.

Question: What helps the light work?

Answer: Friendly connection, as complete as possible, between people yearning to be similar to the light.

At the same time, we must correctly understand what being similar to light means. This means that I want to be big, that is, in bestowal, in connection with all the elements of the single system.

Therefore, I should treat inanimate, vegetative, animate objects, people, and even more so, my friends who study with me and who mutually support each other in this unity, if not with love, then at least with understanding, acceptance, and a kind attitude.

I must understand that it depends on me that all these elements that have not been corrected yet will be gathered into one single correct system.

If I do this, and at the same time read Kabbalistic books that tell about the correctly connected single system, then I invite upon myself the inner forces of our development, called light.

This happens according to the same laws by which children develop. The only difference is that children play instinctively, and we must play intelligently and against our will. This is the freedom of will—to choose exactly such a development.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How the Light Works” 7/19/11

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We Will Come and See

624.02It is said that a person asks the Creator to give him the desire to bestow as a gift because it is a vessel in which one can reveal and feel the Creator. After all, the desire to bestow works on the same wave as the Creator.

It is like we are turning the knob of a radio receiver and tuning in to the right wave. If the wave inside the radio and the wave outside are similar and coincide in frequency, we begin to hear the sound, catching it out of the air. In Kabbalah this is called the law of equivalence of properties.

Therefore, if we want to connect so as to bring each friend closer and for everyone to unite together, then in this way we build a detector, a device, for attaining the Creator. The upper force is revealed within us and is called the Creator (Bo-Reh), which means come and see. Come (Bo) because we have come closer to Him, and see (Reh) because we reveal Him, and therefore we call Him the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/27/23, “Receiving and Giving a Gift”

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Discovering The Creator Inside Me
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“What’s the best feeling in the world 🌍?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What’s the best feeling in the world 🌍?

There is no better feeling than the discovery of all people in the world as parts of our soul, with the positive force of nature dwelling between us.

When we reach such a sensation, we feel in our mutual connection that we include the whole world and all of nature within us, that it is all for us.

Based on the video “What Is the Best Feeling in the World?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 7/9/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, Article 34, “What Are Day and Night in the Work?”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Item 120

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Selected Highlights

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