Long Life Variations

627.1Question: Is there such a concept as lovers in the spiritual world? For some reason, many married people, especially now, in addition to the family, have a lover or mistress.

Answer: Nowadays, due to the growth of egoism, a person lives quite a long time. Previously, people lived 30 to 40 years. And even earlier, people died at the age of 20 to 25. Then the life span gradually increased to 30 to 40, 40 to 50, and 50 to 60 years. Today people live to be 90 years old.

In this state, the problem of if we can withstand such an age psychologically arises? For example, some studies claim that the increased incidence of cancer is due to the fact that we live longer. If we lived 20 years less, we would not develop these tumors; and another 20 years less, perhaps they would not exist at all. There are diseases that are provoked by a long life.

So today’s divorces come from the fact that people live longer. They cannot live together for so many years.

First, our egoism has become very big. In addition, it is always searching for something because it is not satisfied with many things. What can satisfy it? Sex is the greatest and most accessible satisfaction in life.

It turns out that in the end everyone begins to justify their infidelity. This is probably not even called infidelity because it has become an ordinary thing.

I think that in the next few years there will not be a family that would live its whole life in one marriage.
In principle, in our time, sex, alcohol, drugs, and football are designed to cover general dissatisfaction, some kind of general hopelessness, and a general lack of confidence. At least that is a way to blow off steam. This is the shake-up that modern man needs.

Therefore, in no case can I criticize anyone. I understand how necessary it is in our world.

This can change in accordance with the change in a person’s attitude toward the world and toward life, not even in a person himself, but in his environment. As long as the environment becomes softer, it will provide a person with security, as long as a person will feel morally balanced and satisfied in it, so he will be less drawn to all sorts of problematic games and their relaxation in the form of sex. Then things will be much calmer.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Lovers” 7/9/11

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