The Parable of the Wise Man

198Comment: There is a parable about a young man who came to the sage with a request to accept him as a student. “Do you know how to lie?” The sage asked. “Of course not,” the student replied. “And do you know who to steal?” – “No.” “And to kill?” – “No.” “So go and learn all this,” the sage exclaimed, “and when you learn how, don’t do it.”

My Response: The sage was a Kabbalist!

Question: Do we really have to go through all this, to steal, to serve time in prison, to kill someone, even within ourselves, and all of this to become a man, to become a sage?

Answer: Of course. One must go through everything. Then he will become a great man. He learns what the real quality of the world is.

Question: Is it the quality of stealing?

Answer: Stealing, lying, robbing, and then he will rise above it.

That’s what we have to do. By nature, we have only a bad quality; it is egoistic, egoism.

Question: Are we thieves?

Answer: Yes, all of us. And from the Creator we received the commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Question: How He twisted it all! He just let us be the last and said: “You must love your neighbor.”

Is it only a wise man who needs to go through everything? Because here a disciple came to him to learn how to be a sage.

Answer: Yes.

Question: And what about a calm, normal, ordinary person who does not dream and does not want to be a sage?

Answer: There are no commandments for him.

Question: That is, just live your life as you do?

Answer: Yes. And what should be demanded from him if he does not have a bad quality, if he doesn’t feel egoistic?

Question: Is that the most important thing? And does the wise man send his student to go and study himself?

Answer: Yes. If he knows that this evil is in him, and he wants to get rid of it, then everything opens up to him.

Question: So a person should be horrified that he is a murderer, a thief, and a rapist?

Answer: But it is revealed so gradually that it is a long process until he is really horrified.

Question: You once told me that your teacher Rabash somehow stopped you when you were outraged and said: “What a bad world!” And he suddenly said that in him, your teacher, there is a thief, a murderer;  everything is within him. How did you take it then?

Answer: I, of course, perceived Rabash in the form that he already had gone through all these stages, these terrible stages of revealing egoism in himself. And then he corrected it and discovered the opposite qualities, the positive ones.

Question: So he found it all in himself all the time?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: It’s hard work.

My Response: Everyone who is bigger than the other is more egoistic than the other.

Question: And he is given even more work? So maybe it’s better to sit quietly on the sidelines and not feel like this?

Answer: Then you will be like a beautiful flower or like a kitten.

Question: Fluffy. To live a life without discovering this dragon in yourself?

Answer: There are some religions that call for this and give their adherents generally good advice, the basics.

Question: How can you not touch this evil in yourself? To live like this?

Answer: But what can you do?

Comment: And Kabbalah is the opposite.

My Response: It begins by saying that the Creator confesses: “I created evil.”

Question: Tell me, will everyone come to this or only those who want to become wise men? Will everyone want to become wise sooner or later?

Answer: No, it is not that they want to become; everyone will discover this in themselves. The world will come to a completely positive end. But before that it must reveal absolutely all the negative qualities in itself.

Question: In the meantime, only the ones that break out should reveal this?

Answer: This is what we are trying to do with ourselves.

Question: Why do these units suddenly break out of the crowd?

Answer: They adapt the Torah, that is, the method of correction, to our world in each generation.

Question: Do they pass it on themselves?

Answer: Yes, of course, on themselves, how else?

Question: So those who want to become such wise men, to go through all this on themselves, are necessary for the world?

Answer: They are preparing the world for correction.

Question: And what does their correction give to the world ?

Answer: The basis. Thanks to them, the world is being corrected.

Question: So the world does not have to go through all these states as a murderer or a thief?

Answer: In general, yes. It goes through them, but not like that. Because there are some individuals, Kabbalists, who go through all this on themselves and justify the ugly world, mutilated by the Creator. And by correcting themselves, they correct it.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/1/23

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