Kabbalist’s Patience

231.01Question: You understand the nature of a person you need to explain everything to 20,000 times before he understands something. How do you develop patience? After all, you have always been a very impatient person.

Answer: No, I am always patient with Kabbalistic explanations.

As for our production and dissemination, even today I am ready to get into a fight right away before I figure everything out . As for spirituality, there is nothing I can do. I am amazed at myself how instantly I become patient, ready to repeat something 20,000 times. The spiritual quality immediately begins to speak within me, and I begin to express myself from it.

For example, I have no patience in raising children. But completely different forces work with regard to the students, when you raise integral allies from them, who first must understand everything with their minds and only after that, once they agree with me, enter the general system of nature.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Fanaticism!!!” 6/14/11

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