Stagnant Thinking

115.05Man has existed for many millennia, but his apparent spiritual transformation began when he began to comprehend his existence above the animal. This is not due to the formation of human society, which was created about 50,000 years ago, but precisely due to the fact that man began to rise above his social condition to the spiritual.

It was Adam 5,783 years ago who was the first to reveal the system of the upper world that manifested itself in him and who was first to begin to describe and teach it. From Adam, spiritual methods began to develop. And then Abraham continued it.

Question: Why then did egoistic development prevail?

Answer: If we had followed a different path of development, then we would have made our nature, technique, and technology completely different. We can’t even imagine what miracles both the Mayans and Egyptians had in the ancient world. But in fact, these were not miracles, but the correct physical use of the laws of nature.

There are huge opportunities and many variations of the use of the properties of nature; we go purely mechanistically, according to the principle of by force. We don’t know anything else. Look at what we are creating.

In addition, our ego stops us because if someone invents something, he immediately occupies it and wants only this to be used, and wants to destroy everything else. We put sticks in each other’s wheels, we don’t use anything at all.

They write that Tesla invented an electric car by connecting a small box to an electric motor in the car, and drove it at a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour. What kind of battery was it? Imagine, we would love to have this today!

Meaning, we use everything incorrectly. And humanity had such opportunities associated with electronics, with radio, with means of communication. In fact, everything is much simpler than we think both in reception and transmission. But our brains only work in a frozen mode.

I’m talking about a completely different line of thinking, a different perception of the universe, where you begin to see that there is a different philosophy of life, a different approach to forces, to energies. And we got into the current mechanics and electronics and believe that nothing can be done differently. Why should we necessarily work only with electrons and nothing else? A computer is just a plus or minus, it is not the transfer of information in a sensory form from person to person.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Consumer Society” 6/27/11

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