Covenant between Worlds

243.05As the form of the covenant was sown in forty-two Zivugim from the seed, the engraved and explicit Name was sown in the forty-two letters of the act of creation (Introduction of The Book of Zohar, “The Rose“).

Comment: It is not clear how to connect these words.

My Response: When a person reads The Book of the Zohar, maybe even more than once, and passes it through himself, he gradually begins to understand some kind of connection between the sentences and what they lead to.

The article “The Rose” is about the covenant between the upper world and the lower world. It is said that “the form of the covenant was sown in forty-two Zivugim (connections) from the seed,” i.e., from the upper light, which carried in itself the quality of the global connection.

42 qualities must unite in order to create the correct contact, the correct connection, between the upper world (Atzilut) and the lower world.

Question: What 42 letters are we talking about if there are only 22 letters in Hebrew?

Answer: 22 letters are not letters, but qualities. Plus 10 more direct light and 10 reflected light.

The correct translation of the word “letter” is “sign.” That is, 22 signs of the connection of the spiritual world with our world and five additional sofit letters: mem, nun, tzadi, peh, and kaf (ם, ן, ץ, ף, ך), which are written only at the end of words.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 6/4/23

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