Double Correction

207Comment: You say that the world exists not outside of us, but within us. In any case, outside you see the same thing that, let’s say, is shown on the news.

My Response: Yes, that is correct because we are still in this world with our animalistic senses. In addition I have another sensation above the animalistic one in which I perceive the world differently.

Both perceptions of the world exist within me in parallel: one is based on my egoistic desire, which remains for the time being because I still have uncorrected qualities, and through them, I sense the same as you supposedly sense.

And “allegedly you” because you do not exist, you are in me. And so it will be until I will correct myself to the extent that I begin to perceive everything within me. But before that, I have to correct myself in a twofold way.

In two ways means that I have to correct myself in relation to you and try to provide you with a method of correction so that you correct yourself in relation to me. This duality is specially designed to help us bring both perceptions of the world into one.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. There are freaks around“ 5/14/11

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