Surviving while Surrounded by Enemies

549.02Comment: At one time, many people from different countries of the world came to Israel: from Morocco, Yemen, Russia, and so on. But those who could not settle here began to leave for America, Germany, and other countries.

My Response: That’s right because only a person who initially has some justification for living here can be in this country. Any other country in the world is able to create more comfortable and safe conditions than here [Israel].

Where have you seen thousands of missiles aimed at a piece of land like Israel? It is surrounded by haters with knives in their hands ready to kill everyone. Everyone! Without any feeling! With only one feeling, a feeling of joy.

Despite this, people live here. Subconsciously they are kind of dismissive of this fact because otherwise you will not survive it.

Comment: But at the same time, there is a feeling of greater security in Israel than anywhere else. It is the feeling of security that nobody is going to come up to you and give you a blow on the head.

My Response: It is natural for the Jews. They can be very big thugs, but intellectual thugs. To use street banditry is not acceptable for them, they are not this kind of people.

Throughout their history, Jews received too many educational injections. Therefore, there are no internal movements in them to display brute force, to approach you and push, stab, or something else. Children can walk alone in the street in the evenings without any problems. In general, it is safe. But this is because people are like that originally.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Hatred of the Jews” 5/14/11

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