Questions about Spiritual Work—18

281.02Question: Why does the Creator send troubles to the righteous, and they depart from this world first?

Answer: Because they have to move forward.

Question: If you have already passed through lowliness and can be nothing, then what else can you ask the Creator for? I do not feel the need for anything anymore. “Save me!” but from what?

Answer: From the fact that you are distanced from your friends and cannot reveal the Creator in the connection between us.

Question: You always give the example of Rabbi Shimon whose disciples hated each other, but they did great work. Why would there be hatred between them?

Answer: They were doing great work—the connection between them—because they tried to be only in this aspiration, constantly, continuously, and in any circumstances.

Question: What prevents me from being honest with myself and why is it so difficult? After all, I harm myself and the ten. How can I correct this?

Answer: You are afraid to reveal that you are such an egoist. Everyone will know who you are, what you are, what thoughts you have in your head, and what desires you have in your heart. You want to embellish and hide it all. Stop worrying about it.

Question: Rabash writes that the Creator waits until one reveals what he has to do. I know what I have to do, and we have a long way to go. What do we need to worry about?

Answer: You only need to worry about the fact that when you connect with each other, you cannot experience love for the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/22/23, “The need for the Creator’s salvation”

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