Questions about Spiritual Work—15

258And when he sees that he has already come to the village Kfar, i.e., to the quality of disbelief “kfira,” he begins to strive for faith again. (Rabash, Letter No. 21)

Question: What is this quality of kfar and how does it manifest itself?

Answer: This is rejection of the Creator, the upper force. This is a very big force that we should avoid.

Question: What does it mean to look back in our work?

Answer: This is to look at what a person has gone through. He has no right to look back and check himself. He should look only forward to where he is more connected with his friends and with the Creator.

Question: What does it mean to cling and hold on to friends, to rely on them?

Answer: It means to cling to them and help in everything you can, not to use them, but to do everything for their advancement.

Question: How do I understand what the Creator wants to convey to a friend through me so that my action is not from egoism, but precisely from the Creator?

Answer: In this case, you need to connect with your friends as much as possible, and then the Creator will be with you.

Question: With a huge desire to fully reveal the Creator, how do I overcome the fear of not having time to do it?

Answer: You will have a sense of security only with your friends, only from connection with others.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/18/23, “The Need for the Creator’s Salvation”

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