Questions about Spiritual Work—14

626Question: A person wants to be good and not just to pretend, but flaws are constantly being revealed in him. Can he build an intention that the Creator would change this in him for the sake of the friends?

Answer: He can ask the Creator for this.

Question: To what extent should the recognition of evil develop in us so that we can come to love of others?

Answer: The recognition of evil must be complete.

Question: Where can I find an example of an image of a person that I can follow and imitate?

Answer: These are your friends in the ten. Without this, you will not advance.

Question: When we work for the sake of bestowal and do not want anything in return, it is similar to the feeling of losing taste in a meal. What should we ask for in a place of this emptiness and lack of taste?

Answer: We must always ask the Creator to work with us.

Question: We should not wait for compensation for our egoism. But what if there are a lot of thoughts about this compensation in my head? How can I calm them down, how can I fight them off? It is impossible to find a foothold; there is confusion in my head.

Answer: Hold on to the Creator through the group. It only depends on Him to what extent you will be corrected.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 8/17/23, “To Come to Feel Others”

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