The Essence of Restriction

253Question: Why does restriction occur after a person’s desires are all similar to the Creator’s and one is filled with the upper light?

Answer: Because the desire that receives the upper light feels as if it is complete, but it does not see the result of its actions.

The only thing left for him that arises in his desire is to somehow interrupt his development and make a restriction on his desire so that it no longer develops.

And now, from this desire, at the initiative of a person (Adam), another action arises, which is not a continuation of development, but in a sense is the opposite. In other words, a person wants to transform the desire in which he was created into a desire in which he will resemble the Creator. This is important for him.

Therefore, it turns out that on the seventh day creation does not stop. After all, then there is action on the part of the person.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/21/24

Related Material:
Restriction On Egoistic Desires
The First Restriction—Reception for the Sake of the Creator
State of the First Restriction

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