Don’t Move Forward from Negative Feelings

942Question: How do we work with egoism and help each other? Suppose I invite friends to a meal. If I prepare a delicious meal, there is a risk that they will enjoy not the unity for which we gather, but the taste of the meal itself.

Answer: We must create the most comfortable conditions to make it easier for us to come together and feel the desire to embrace each other. Therefore, the main thing is that even if you enjoy the meal, at the same time, you strive to connect with your friends.

You cannot always act from negative feelings. Suppose you are pushed and run to the Creator, and then another push comes from elsewhere, and you run to the Creator again. No, that is wrong. You should see where your negative qualities manifest and correct them without waiting for blows.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/12/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And It Came to Pass in the Course of Those Many Days”

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