Feel the Group

938.01Question: You told a story about Rabash’s grandmother. When he was little and misbehaved, she did not punish him immediately but did so after two or three days. The same happens to us. After we have already misbehaved, we are told we did something wrong. How can we work with this so as to not just listen and run away but to properly use such situations for advancement?

Answer: To do this, you need to be connected strongly with the group. You will not have the strength to do it yourself and will run away.

Therefore, you need to feel the group. Not even to talk to them about it but just to feel what it means to be in a group. Then, you will have the strength to connect with the friends again and feel the Creator in the center of the group. In this case, your future is secured.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/20/23, “The need for the Creator’s salvation”

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