Work on the Prayer

530Question: It seems to me that my friends and I are in different time frames, and everyone feels something different. It happens that one person feels that something needs to be done right now, and the whole group feels that it needs to be done later. What is the reason for our different senses of time?

Answer: It depends on the sensitivity of the heart of each one in the group.

Question: Yesterday a friend showed me an example of true love. But I want to run away from the burning shame that I will never be able to love my friends so much. How can I work with this state?

Answer: You are now going through a very good state. It cleanses you and brings you closer to the others. You should pray for everyone, including yourself, to feel that you all are in one heart. It must come true, if not today, then tomorrow.

Nothing will happen by itself. The Creator is the only one who can help you. We need to work on the prayer.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/23/23, “The need for the Creator’s salvation”

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