How Is Internal Information Shared?

945Question: Is there such a technique that when you want to convey internal information to someone, you yourself become lower than him?

Answer: You yourself do not become lower than him, but you deliberately make a conscious lowering in relation to him in order to help him enter into you, to come closer to you. Similarly, we talk to children in their language, relate to them according to how they can understand us, and explain everything to them while becoming as if we are like children ourselves. If I am talking to a child, I am not talking like an adult, but am trying to be on his level.

Question: Is it possible that you deliberately become lower than a person in order, on the contrary, to somehow enter into him and spread internal information in him?

Answer: No, you cannot spread information from your step down! The lower level will not be able to accept it. It will be like poison for it. Only if it rises to you, that is, acquires new Kelim (vessels), new desires, opportunities, and aspirations, then it can receive something in them in addition to its condition, and not otherwise.

There is no way you can go down and fill someone down there. You must help him rise up and fill him up there.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Public Speaking” 6/29/14

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