Audio Version Of The Blog – 7/23/22

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The Reason for the Creation of the Worlds

746.03And when upon His simple will, came the desire to create the worlds and emanate the emanations,

To bring to light the perfection of His deeds, His names, His appellations,

Which was the cause of the creation of the worlds,

Then the Ein Sof restricted Himself, in His middle point, precisely at the center…
(Ari, The Tree of Life)

The Creator wished to create created beings that would feel the need to reach His level—the level of the Creator. In other words, they would discover absolute emptiness in their original state and would want to be on the level of the Creator.

The Creator gives them the opportunity to rise from the state in which they found themselves at the beginning of creation to His state, the most perfect one, which means the end of correction.

In order for the created beings to gradually reveal the levels of the Creator, they were created in the lowest state and must slowly attain the Creator, that is, the more and more elevated state. Therefore, it is said that the creation of the worlds is a manifestation of His perfection.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 7/5/22

Related Material:
Tree of Life —The Book About the Creation of the Worlds
Before the Beginning Of Creation
The Purpose Of Creation And The Development Of Desire

What Does a Child Need for Happiness?

627.1Question: Some psychologists list basic conditions needed for the happiness and health of a child. The first condition is that the parent should be a source of information for the child, and not a tablet or a laptop.

I cannot imagine how it is possible today for a parent to become a source of information. Do you think this is possible today, in our era?!

Answer: Today I am 75 years old. If I do remember something, it is not from school, but from what I heard from my parents. Some pieces, fragments of words, sentences, some of their comments. For some reason, this pops up in my mind.

Moreover, I already was not a little kid. Starting somewhere from the age of six or seven and up to 16-17 years old.

Question: Do you think that even today, the information that comes from parents is much higher than any computer information?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: The next condition: Teach the child to express emotions. Does he not know how to express emotions? What does it mean to teach him?

My Response: It is necessary to show him how he can unite with other people, connect with them, influence them, and perceive them, and so on.

Question: With other children?

Answer: Yes. But I am not thinking about children, but rather about teenagers.

Comment: Next, Do not buy off the child with new sneakers, tablets, and toys. How should you buy a child?

My Response: By showing him that you are his friend and that you are supposedly on his level. How much you have to remake yourself for this, and to change yourself…

Question: Yes. It is me who has to change. What do you mean by the word “friend”?

Answer: You understand him, you are ready to help him, to approve of him. The main thing is to understand.

Comment: Another is not to overdo with the developmental courses, sections, and groups. Let the child live his childhood organically.

What does it mean to live childhood organically?

My Response: Basically, yes. The child should do what he wants.

Question: To that extent?

Answer: After all, he receives a desire, an opinion from his friends. So, it is not his personal opinion. But we still need to encourage him.

Comment: But you said that you were surrounded by composers, music.

My Response: It did not give me anything special.

Question: It gave you an ear for music. You have a musical ear, of course. So, do you think a child should be given freedom of choice?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: Next is to keep your word. Say it the first time, do it the second time. Maybe it is better not to promise anything to the child at all so as not to deceive him?

My Response: No. But if you want to demonstrate education, then you must both promise and fulfill.

Comment: Another principle is to allow the child to make mistakes. Some scientists go as far as to say that a mistake is wonderful. And if a child makes a mistake we can even say to him: “Well done. You made a mistake.” Is it even possible to use such a move?

My Response: Not to say, “Well done,” but, “Find this mistake and correct it. You have a mistake here.” But this is not a claim and not an accusation of him.

Comment: The next condition is to not be afraid to love your child too much.

My Response: There is a problem here. In general, all these questions are very difficult.

Question: What does it mean to love too much?

Answer: Not to show excessive love, especially where it can cause harm.

Question: Can it cause harm?

Answer: Of course, everything should be dosed and in balance.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/9/22

Related Material:
Does A Child Have To Be Strong?
Education: Does A Child Know What Is Good For Him?
Why Has It Become Difficult To Raise Children?

Metamorphoses of Sleep

564In the spiritual world, as well as in the material world, there is also a state of “sleep” during which a reboot happens. The lights that existed in the full Partzuf manifest in the most minimal form. And there can be many such states during the day.

After all, the states that you experience during the day can return to you at night in some distorted form. Since they are in separation from reality, they are included in all sorts of fluctuations in our brain activity, and it turns out that we suddenly see such unusual things in a dream that you will not see in everyday life.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 6/28/22

Related Material:
The Origin Of Dreams
Sleep Prepares The Brain To Process New Information
“Dream” in Spirituality

Kabbalah and Interpretation of Dreams


Our life is twofold; Sleep hath its own world,

A boundary between the things misnamed

Death and existence: Sleep hath its own world,

And a wide realm of wild reality, (Lord Byron, “The Dream”)

Question: People have long been interested in the nature of dreams and dreaming. What is a dream from a spiritual point of view?

Answer: I have been studying Kabbalah for many decades and have not seen anything that coincides with what ordinary people say and think about dreams.

A Kabbalist has spiritual states, which are called VAK—incomplete attainment of the spiritual world. They can be called a dream. But the dream of an ordinary person in our world has nothing to do with this.

Therefore, Kabbalah does not deal with dreams, nor does it interpret dreams. All sorts of things are attributed to it, but in fact, there is nothing of this in Kabbalah.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 6/28/22

Related Material:
An Ordinary Dream
A Night’s Sleep Is The Continuation Of The Day’s Activities
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