Two Mandatory Steps of Spiritual Work

165Question: How can we feel the love of the Creator and the love of the Creator for us through love of friends?

Answer: We cannot feel the love of the Creator so easily and quickly come to states of coming closer or moving away from Him. This is all attained gradually. Just like in our world when we get to know someone, it is only after we get used to each other that states of closer or more distant arise between us, and so on.

Therefore, first we need to study Kabbalistic articles that talk about connection between the friends in the group, and then about the connection of the group with the Creator. These are the two most necessary steps for everyone, both women and men. Without this we will not begin to feel the upper world that is above us and controls us without our feeling it.

And in order to feel it, to feel the Creator who controls us through it, we need to be in good, kind connection with each other. This is our main task.

Question: We have come, we have made efforts, and each of us wants to fulfill some kind of spiritual desire. How can we still feel any fulfillment through these small efforts? And what can they manifest themselves in right now?

Answer: It takes time, a lot of time, but gradually, more and more, we will begin to understand what forces we are dealing with, what the form of our connection is, and begin to feel it. This will lead us to our friends and to the Creator, and everything will connect together.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/5/24, Writings of Rabash “Love of Friends – 1”

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How to Acquire Love for the Creator
Love of Friends, Love of the Creator
What Do We Gain From Love Of Friends?

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