The Group’s Common Diary

530Question: When we come to the awareness of evil, how can we use it correctly? After all, we have no other fuel to achieve bestowal.

Answer: First, we gather in the ten. Second, we agree to unite, and we write down in the group’s common diary everything that opens up between us and interferes with our unification.

All the properties that prevent us from being in the right connection are called yetser ra (evil inclination), bad qualities that are opposite to the properties of the Creator. We must get rid of them.

So write everything down in a group journal and then check once a week whether you were able to get rid of something or not. This will lead you to a correct understanding of who you are.

In addition, write down your impressions of connecting with friends: what pushes you away from them or brings you closer. It is very important! There is no need to hide anything.

Question: Wouldn’t it put them off if they read how negatively I feel about them?

Answer: No, it won’t put them off; to the contrary, they will see that you are an honest person, that they can deal with you because you see your shortcomings and write them down so as not to forget them and to analyze them when you are in a different mood or a different state.

The point is that when you no longer focus on negative thoughts, you begin to figure out past states and try to work with them.

And at the end of the week, you can get together, read your common diary, and talk with each other. This will make you more open to each other and understand each other more.

Do not be shy. In a group you should be like one person with one heart. You cannot imagine how much as a result of this work a space filled with the Creator will open to you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/21/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Transgression Does Not Extinguish a Mitzva

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